We Are Carrying Stuck Emotions In Our Energy Field From Since the Beginning of Time…

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Sabriyé Dubrie

As a mystic Sabriyé taps into the collective wisdom on a Soul Path level that she shares through the Soul Teachings. These teachings serve to stir the remembrance of your own Soul Wisdom. Never miss a new Soul Teaching again by signing up for our newsletter.

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This last Friday I had a session with one of my own healers because even as a healer I go to other healers to access wounds that are deeply buried within my subconscious. I am currently facing a situation in my external reality that is a bit challenging. I wanted to understand deeper what this situation and the person involved are helping me heal.

I have seen multiple past lives with this person and none of them were pleasant, but from my own work with clients I know that there’s always an original wound underneath that explains what this person and the situations are helping you heal. Having only seen lifetimes where this person has victimized and bullied me, I realized I had not accessed this original wound yet, but that there had to be one.

You see, there’s always a root cause that creates the looping patterns we experience over lifetimes and lifetimes.

In my own work as a healer finding the root cause is my specialty and although I use it to some degree in all the Soul Embodiment® Therapy sessions, it’s my only focus in the Breaking Karmic Loops sessions.

Within my own healing journey, I was now ready to see the root cause underlying my current life experiences to be able to heal them once and for all. Having done so much healing work over the years, there isn’t much left to heal and clear except for some tenacious blocks that have almost become old friends. Blocks so deeply stuck, I have often wondered if I would ever be able to fully release them. God knows, how much I have worked on them.

In the session, we went back to the beginning of time and the start of the human species, which is a couple of million years ago when we had not even developed language. With no words and just emotions, it was quite a challenge to piece together what had happened. We had to completely rely on what happened energetically within the session to feel our way through what wanted to happen in this session.

It was the story of a man (me) who had left his tribe in order to protect the woman he loved. There was another male involved to which I had to bow down to. Much like solitary gorillas are pushed out of the tribe because of competition with the alpha male to keep the peace – I chose to leave because it was in everyone’s best interest.

There was a lot of survival fear and deep loneliness stuck in my root chakra from that experience. The root chakra covers survival, our family, and the people we belong to such as our tribe. The loneliness wasn’t just about being alone. It was a loss of connection, that created a feeling that I didn’t belong – because I was all on my own now.

The problem was that this energy was stuck and didn’t want to budge. It wasn’t until I recognized the woman I was trying to protect, as the person now creating issues in my current reality, that the stuck energy started to open up just the slightest. I then saw that there was a deep emotional attachment between us; as if our roots had become completely entangled.

It had taken everything I had to leave her and having felt such a deep emotional attachment toward her had only amplified my sense of loneliness without her. That energy had been stuck in my root chakra for hundreds of thousands years and more because this is how far back this lifetime went. In my current life, there is no such emotional connection between us. You might even say that there’s no love lost between us, not that there is great animosity – it’s just not someone I would have EVER imagined having a strong past life bond with.

Yet, seeing this deep emotional attachment allowed all the stagnated and stuck energy to leave and her roots to disentangle from my roots. It was very interesting to see this because prior to the session, I had identified this person mirroring me as it were ‘rot’ in my foundation and root chakra. Come to think of it, I recently fell through rotten wood with my foot at the poolside shower. When wood contains rot, it becomes weak and loses its strength and although it wasn’t rot (or decay) that we found in a literal sense, it was certainly the case in a metaphorical sense.

This was an energy that didn’t belong there and that definitely did not serve me. Energetically, it was creating issues in my current life that are connected to the root chakra. The root chakra is also a masculine chakra, as well as the place where the Kundalini energy lies dormant. Kundalini itself is a form of divine feminine energy, it would make sense that in order for our Kundalini energy to be able to rise the divine masculine energy of the root chakra would need to be healed and purified to be the strong vessel to hold the wild and uncontrollable Shakti (Divine Feminine) energy.

I think the most interesting thing about original wounds is that there is either no one to blame or we are blaming ourselves for something we did that hurt others. I had not hurt the woman I wanted to protect and she had not hurt me, in our case, there was no one to blame. It was simply how things were done at that time, it was part of our tribal customs.

Yet, even so, living this experience with the emotional attachments that were there and then having to leave in order to ensure our survival created emotional wounds of their own that had in a way been rotting and festering there all this time – despite there being no foul play. These wounds had been weakening the root chakra, as well as the Divine Masculine energy within me.

Knowing that something is for the best and living it are often not the same, just think of those relationships that are over and you both know it but that still doesn’t make splitting up any easier or pain-free.

We all carry such unresolved emotions in our energy field from ancient lifetimes as well as more recent ones, we have been playing the incarnation game for eons and eons. When we can release these ancient stuck emotions and clear them out it changes the reality experience we live in. This of course doesn’t mean it changes it to how we want it to be, but it does change it to how it is meant to be according to our Divine Plan and for the highest good of everyone involved.

In this era where spirituality is so popular and people are interested in awakening to their true selves, raising their vibration, reaching Ascension or enlightenment, and living in 5D and all the other terms we have come up with – these stuck past emotions are often overlooked. Most people try to spiritually bypass them one way or the other because they don’t want to look at their unresolved pain.

But spiritual awakening is not something that only happens in the mind through the expansion of consciousness, it happens in all of our gross and subtle bodies including our vibrational body which is where our chakras and nadis (or meridians) are located. As long as these are energetically blocked by our unresolved past, the Kundalini which is the energetical aspect of our self-realization (inner union) process cannot rise to complete itself.

For the majority, people are simply deluding themselves into believing that they are further along in their spiritual journeys than they really are because they are doing EVERYTHING but facing and releasing their unresolved past. Yet, as we are shifting from the old paradigm into the new paradigm of Heaven on Earth, we cannot take these old stale energies with us because they too belong to the old paradigm and have to be left there.

With my deepest love,
