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[Bach Flower Test] The Ultimate Guide to Bach Flowers for Soul Partnership Healing

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Sabriyé Dubrie

As a mystic Sabriyé taps into the collective wisdom on a Soul Path level that she shares through the Soul Teachings. These teachings serve to stir the remembrance of your own Soul Wisdom. Never miss a new Soul Teaching again by signing up for our newsletter.

In this Soul teaching on the ultimate guide to Bach Flowers for Soul Partnership healing, you will learn:

  • What Bach Flower remedies are and how they can help you
  • How to use the free Bach Flower test to find the remedy most needed at this moment in your spiritual journey
  • How Bach Flower remedies can assist you in working through common relationship struggles
  • Why incorporating Bach Flower remedies into your healing can help you determine which wounds to focus on
  • And more…

A resource that will stay relevant for decades to come

Often Twin Flame teachings are consumed and discarded with the greatest ease because the reader is in frantic mode, trying to understand their experience and often looking for ways to create the ‘union’ aka romantic outcome they so desperately desire. I completely understand that state of mind, because I was the same at the beginning years of my journey.

And, besides who can blame them for going through teachings and videos as if it’s toilet paper? There is so much Twin Flame fluff being published that has actually no value and is already outdated the next week. These teachings and videos only serve to promote the content makers product and services that are often heavily linked throughout each ‘forecast’, you all probably know who I am talking about. People who say they are here to serve the Twin Flame collective, but then never really give or create real resources other than the stuff they are selling.

I am not here to sell, like many of the resources that I have created this resource is completely free and more importantly will DO MORE for your healing process than having your charts read, going to psychics, doing tarot readings and yes even listening to Twin Flame meditations and activations. I don’t say that to take out the competition, I say that because 99% of what Twin Flames do to ‘manifest’ union is a waste of their time and money.

Having wasted loads of my time and money on these so called solutions on my own journey, I can genuinely say that they don’t work. Which is why I am very adamant in helping my followers and clients, my tribe, find the things that DO WORK because we didn’t sign up for this journey to scr*w around or be scr*wed over by people wanting to make a buck. We came here to prevail and accomplish what our souls intended for us in this lifetime.

So, this teaching and resource before you is not fluff. There was a lot of thought and effort put into it to help you and the others drawn to my work, move forward on your Twin Flame journey, instead of running in circles – which is so common within the Twin Flame collective,

Just to give you an idea, this particular teaching took my team and I 40+ hours to create, from concept, to writing it, creating the designs and the coding needed to create the consultation or ‘session with Spirit’ effect. We have lovingly invested that time, because this is an evergreen resource that will remain relevant to Twin Flames for decades to come.

Bach Flower consultations used to be one of the one on one sessions that I offered my clients to support them in their healing journey. But as I have had to dial back the amount of one on one sessions, due to an overfull schedule I no longer offer them. Which is why I wanted to create this free resource to support the Twin Flame collective in their healing process. I may not be able to work with everyone one on one anymore, but in this way I can still help also those on their journey that don’t have the money to invest in the School of Soul Embodiment or a private session with me.

Our website is read in 184 countries in the world (there are 195 countries in total) many of these countries do not have strong economies and currencies, but what they do have is Twin Flames searching for answers. With teachings such as these we aim to keep Twin Flame healing accessible to everyone who needs it.

Welcome to your free Bach Flower consultation!

I love the Bach Flower system (nope, I am not an affiliate and I don’t own stock in their company, although maybe I should) I have used Bach Flowers myself for multiple decades (my mom already used Rescue Remedy on me as a child). I work with Bach Flowers in the Soul Embodiment® Therapy, based on the themes that come up for the client in the session I prescribe the corresponding Bach Flowers that will help them work through these themes even deeper in the months to come. Many of my School of Soul Embodiment students use Bach Flowers too, because it really helps you integrate your healing on a deeper level. Which is why I wanted to introduce these potent remedies to the Twin Flame collective, to help you deepen your healing process.

Bach Flowers are 100% safe and do not cause side effects (see FAQ’s below).

We have set this consultation up as a free resource that you can use over and over again as a support in your Twin Flame and Ascension journey. Bach Flowers are applicable to all the stages of the Twin Flame journey and Ascension process, which means that you can continue to use them throughout the whole process of inner union.

If you are using this free Bach Flower consultation for the first time please read the full teaching below before picking your Bach Flowers. If you are here for your second, third or more session, you can go straight to the Bach Flower section by clicking here:

Go Directly into Your Bach Flower Consultation

How to use this free Bach Flower consultation

There are three ways to use this free Bach Flower consultation: intuitively, as an oracle or based on workings and key words (mentally). Choose whatever method feels best for you, there is no right or wrong way. Simply trust that your higher self, your angels and guides are guiding you to exactly what you need in this moment. The Universe works in mysterious ways, so be open to be led to what your soul wants to make conscious and be worked through at this time.

The intuitive method: in the Bach Flower consultation section you will see 38 images that you can choose from. Click on the image that you either see first, that you are drawn too the most or that repels you deeply. You can trust that these are the Bach Flowers that you need to work with, including the one that puts you off as this might be a repressed or disowned aspect of yourself that is ready to be reintegrated. Click on the images (one by one) of the Bach Flowers that you chose and they will open up their description.

The oracle method: using the oracle method you can ask questions and then see where your attention is guided. For example: ‘What do I need to work on in this moment?‘ or ‘What is my Twin Flame mirroring me at this time?‘ If you are already working on a certain theme you could ask ‘Which remedy will help support me in healing ….. (fill in your situation)?

Close your eyes when you ask the question and when you open your eyes, allow yourself to be guided to the right remedy for you. The remedies show in completely randomized order every time you refresh the page, so you can really trust that Divine guidance is at play. Click on the image to see the description. You can’t go wrong with Bach Flowers, either you pick the right one and it will work or if it is not what you needed it will not have any effect period (neither positive or negative).

The mental method: if you are more left brain oriented, you may just want to skip the image clicking and go straight into the workings and key words description. Then make your choice mentally based on the information presented. This is a valid choice to use the reasoning mind as a way to assess what you need in this moment, it may however at the same time indicate that you have some control (trust) issues. Control issues always stem from a lack of trust, either the feeling that you cannot trust yourself/Higher self (Cerato,Larch or Vervain) or that you cannot trust life and the Universe (Mimiulus or Vine), which is behavior that stems from subconscious and often past life inflicted wounds that we are here to heal as part of our Twin Flame journey and Ascension process.

But before we pick our Bach Flowers, let’s first learn more about their origin….

A powerful aid in making the subconscious, conscious

‘Suffering is a corrective to point out a lesson which by other means we have failed to grasp, and never can it be eradicated until that lesson is learnt.’ Dr. Edward Bach

Dr. Edward Bach

Twin Flame healing is all about making the subconscious, conscious and Bach flower essences help you do just that. They were developed by Dr. Edward Bach (24 September 1886 – 27 November 1936) who was an English doctor, bacteriologist, homeopath, and spiritual writer. He became best known for developing the Bach flower remedies, which is a form of alternative medicine inspired by classical homeopathic traditions that work on the mental, emotional and vibrational body.

Dr. Bach believed that illness and suffering was the result of a conflict between the purposes of the soul and the personality’s (ego) actions and outlooks. In other words our illnesses and our suffering come from our own misalignment to our soul. When we restore this balance and harmony between the personality (ego consciousness) and the soul, we overcome our suffering and the physical manifestation of this suffering in the different bodies (mental, emotional, vibrational and physical) which we call disease.

This may sound as if Bach Flowers work on the physical body, but they actually seldom do directly. Instead they work on the mental, emotional and vibrational states that are out of balance and help create the understanding that is necessary in order to restore this balance and alignment to the soul. This in turn corrects any imbalances that have manifested accordingly in the physical body.

Dr. Bach created 38 individual flower essences and the combination essence called Rescue remedy, which is probably the most well known Bach remedy throughout the world. Bach Flowers have been around for the past 80 something years and are easily available all over the world.

Using Bach Flowers in the Twin Flame process

On the Twin Flame journey, we are often hurled into deep emotions especially after the bubble love phase when we are pushed into our healing. Before we know it, unresolved heartache, childhood wounds, past lives and ancestral wounding starts showing up and it can be extremely tough dealing with this all on your own – especially when you don’t really understand where all of these emotions are coming from. But there is a solution, because many of the most common Twin Flame struggles can be worked through with the Bach Flower remedies, whether that is:

  • helping you open up your heart
  • overcoming jealousy
  • healing heartache and heartbreak
  • overcoming grief and loss
  • addressing feelings of self-hatred and self-loathing
  • addressing self-worth issue
  • overcoming fears and phobias
  • healing sexual abuse and sexual violence such as incest and rape
  • healing trauma and shock (even from long ago all the way back into previous lifetimes)
  • healing inner child wounds
  • finding your soul purpose and mission
  • and much, much more….

As the Dr. Edward Bach quote above indicates, our suffering comes from not understanding specific lessons that we have encountered on our soul’s journey throughout time and space. As Twin Flames, we are front-runners in the Ascension process and therefor we need to revisit all the lessons we have failed to grasp in the past in order to come to full understanding (enlightenment). The 38 Bach Flower remedies aid us in this process of understanding and realignment to our soul.

This is often also my critique on other so called Twin Flame healing solutions, is that they either try to bypass or re-script (think of all those guided meditations) our current reality instead of addressing the root causes of our pain and misery – so that we can heal them at the core. This does not work, until you address the root causes you cannot simply leave the soul lessons behind you.

You will continue to repeat them over and over again until you understand what is there to be understood. No amount of affirmations, positive thinking or ‘energetic’ reprogramming is going to help you skip over what the soul wants to work through at this time. So, you might as well embrace it and really allow yourself to go deep inside what wants to be seen – this is what the Bach Flower remedies help you achieve.

As above so below; As within so without

Especially combined with actively working with healers, Bach Flower remedies can help you go deep into your healing process and remove the subconscious memories that are keeping you out of alignment to your soul. In this way Bach Flowers are a powerful aid in the inner union process, the union with your own soul.

Inner union is a prerequisite for true Twin Flame union and not just a romantic outcome, which can easily fall apart again because we have not come to the deep understanding of our true nature (which is the whole point of the Twin Flame encounter).

In the hermetic text etched on the Emerald Tablet it states: “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul”. ‘As above’ refers to the metaphysical realm, ‘as below’ to the physical world. ‘As within’ refers to the mind and soul, ‘as without’ to the world experienced outside the individual. This teaching from the ancient Alchemy texts, describes the inner union process, that leads to outer union when the individual has become one with his/her soul. Once achieved, this inner unity will be reflected back to them in their outer reality.

This is why i have my clients and students work towards inner union instead of them trying to ‘manifest’ Twin Flame union, the point of this journey is not the romantic outcome – the point is to come to inner union which opens the door to a possible Twin Flame union in the physical.

To most Twin Flames, spirituality is something they dabble in on their way to a physical union with their twin, they don’t realize that it’s the other way around…

Not spirituality but the oh so desired physical union is the after thought. Our Twin Flames come into our lives to help us remember who we truly are and the truth is of course that we are spiritual beings, this is our true essence.

Yet the deepest desire of our soul is not romantic love, blissful sex or being a husband or wife, these are human desires. The deepest desire of our soul is to return back to Oneness.

It sounds as if this is one and the same thing, but it’s not. The one seeks oneness in the physical through something outside him- or herself (3rd dimensional way of being), while the other finds Oneness inside themselves (5th dimensional way of being).

The Twin Flame experience when fully embraced and allowed IS the journey from 3D into 5D.

It is the journey of Ascension.

If you haven’t done so, please download our free Ultimate Guide to Inner Union to understand the true purpose of the Twin Flame journey. You will be surprised, how much there is left to learn. We recently surveyed our readers and close to 90% of the respondents told us that reading it, had changed their perception of the Twin Flame journey.

Now, let’s dive into your free Bach Flower consultation. Please read the FAQ’s at the end of the teaching for information on where to buy Bach Flowers and how to use them. I use a completely different dosage method than you will normally find online, it’s super potent and is much more powerful than the 3×3 or 4×4 method often used for Bach Flower remedies – so be sure to check it out.

Let’s do this!

Twin Flame Bach Flower consultation

Click on the images below to open the descriptions.

Twin Flame Bach Flowers descriptions

Below you find the descriptions for the 38 individual Bach Flower remedies. they are of course not only intended to use on the Twin Flame journey but I have edited them to help you apply them to your Twin Flame healing process.

Because your Twin Flame is your Divine mirror, they often mirror you deep subconscious issues that you yourself struggle with as well. In this way if you are completely triggered by something in your twin, you could use the remedy that would apply to them on yourself to work through your own corresponding (subconscious) patterns.

Happy healing my lovely!

Bach Flower Remedies FAQ’s

Do I need a prescription to get Bach Flowers?

No, Bach Flowers are available over the counter and do not need to be prescribed by a doctor.

Where can I buy Bach Flower remedies?

Bach Flower remedies are readily available at most health food stores, new age shops and multiple online shops. Some drug stores and pharmacies carry Bach Flowers as well. You really can buy them everywhere even in India, Singapore and Dubai… Use Google to find a selling point close to you.

Here is a small list of where you can buy Bach Flower remedies online and offline:

How do I take the Bach Flower remedies?

Once you have bought the Bach Flower remedies that came out of your Twin Flame Bach Flower consultation, you can make your daily dosage bottle.

Contrary to other methods (where you often take 3×3 or 4×4 drops a day) we are going to add the Bach Flower remedies to your daily water intake, this really helps to soak your vibrational field with the energetic frequencies of the remedies. Doing so helps accelerate the process.

You can use up to 6 different Bach Flowers at a time, but honestly less is more. Address one issue at a time and don’t try to fix all your issues in one mixture. The flowers work more potently when you address things one by one. I usually work with 3 or 4 flowers at a time, and sometimes just one.

Add 2 drops of each Bach flower remedy to a bottle of water of 8,5 oz, 17 oz or 34 ounces. Outside of the United States, Myanmar and Liberia that’s 250ml, 500ml or 1 liter. Close the bottle and shake it so that the Bach Flowers mix with the water.

Whatever amount of water you choose, drink it completely by taking small sips throughout the day. Make sure, the bottle is empty at night when you go to sleep. Make a fresh dosage bottle each morning. Continue the dosage as long as needed to create the shift inside yourself, this can be in a matter of days, weeks or months.

You can use the same flower or flowers for long periods of time. If you are working on deep issues, I recommend you continue for at least three months or until the stock bottle is finished.

Do Bach Flowers work?

My clients and I have gotten quick and amazing results with adding Bach Flowers to our healing regime. Also the internet is full of success stories of people using Bach therapy as part of their healing even from very difficult experiences such as sexual abuse, addiction, depression, anxiety and so on.

If you are using medication prescribed by your doctor for any of the above or other psychological issues, please check with your physician first. I would also recommend working with a Bach therapist in such cases, so that you can be monitored and supported throughout the process. If you are dealing with for example psychosis, chronic anxiety and depression (that is being treated) or you are for example suicidal, self-medication is not a good option. If you are suffering severe mental or emotional problems, you should always seek help from a health care professional. Bach Flowers do not replace therapy (healing), they compliment it.

Are Bach Flower remedies safe to use?

Bach Flowers are 100% safe and do not cause side effects. They do contain alcohol, however due to the amount of water used in the above mentioned dosage bottles, the amount of alcohol actually coming into your system is limited to the amount of drops (2 to maximum 12) that are mixed into the water and therefor strongly diluted. Because, you sip the water throughout the day the actual amount of alcohol in each sip is neglectable.

‘Studies have found that Bach remedies are safe. Some have a small amount of alcohol, so check the label if you want to avoid it. Don’t take Bach remedies in place of any prescribed medicine. Let your doctor know if you have any problems.’ Source WebMD.

Bach flowers are also safe to use for children and animals like cats, dogs, horses and so on.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

It depends on your own sensitivity and the issue at hand. The results can be immediately or happen over a matter of days or weeks. For more chronic issues, it may take a while to shift the energy while in more acute cases the remedies will work instantly.

There are many other brand flower remedies available, why use the Bach Flower system?

By now there are many New Age companies that create flower essences and gemstone elixirs, there is also a company that creates sea essences. There are many options out there, but they are all relatively new compared to the Bach Flower system. The Bach Flowers have been tried and proven true for the past 80 something years.

I do use other brands in my own healing as well, but I primarily work with Bach Flowers in my own healing process because of their proven effectiveness.

I pray this teaching serves you and brings about the healing that your soul is seeking to create. As Twin Flames our path isn’t always easy, because we are asked to address all of our subconscious wounding and past life karma in order to Ascend to the higher 5th dimensional frequency of Heaven on Earth. We are the way showers and the pioneers of mass Ascension, but we can only fulfill this objective by working on our individual Ascension first. The Bach Flowers offer tremendous support in this endeavor and allow us to go deep inside ourselves to heal our wounds of the past.

With my deepest love,
