Weight that just wouldn’t come off no matter what
Ever since my fourth pregnancy, I have struggled with my weight. Even after having three children, I was slim weighing around 53 kilos and wearing a European size 34/36. Until my youngest baby died thirteen days after she was born and I could not get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
Often the grief was seen as the cause of my weight gain or perhaps it was because, on a subconscious level, I didn’t want to let her go, as some healers and therapists had suggested. They thought that by holding on to the weight, I was trying to hold on to her…
In the end, none of the work I did on grieving the loss of my baby helped me lose weight.
Add perimenopause and since this year menopause to the mix and the weight was very difficult to get off and almost impossible to prevent packing on. No matter how carefully I ate or how much I worked out, I kept gaining weight. I have mentioned before that I actually managed to gain 3,5 kilos by walking 5K steps a day at the beginning of 2023.
It turns out that this is quite normal for women going into menopause. Yet, doctors and personal trainers don’t seem to know this, perpetuating the lie that it’s about the amount of calories you eat and the amount of calories you burn.
Finding the partial answer to trauma weight
I had great success incorporating the TCM anti-dampness diet that I have described in the Soul teaching on Buddha Belly be-gone. By the way, you do not need to be menopausal or even a woman to benefit from adopting these lifestyle changes.
Scientific research has found evidence that trauma messes with our hormones (click here for research on menopausal women & trauma), as does much of the food we eat and the environmental toxins we come into contact with.
So even if menopause is light years away or you’re a dude reading this, one of the reasons why we can pack on weight during our Ascension process is because the Ascension process triggers all our unresolved pain and trauma. That’s why you are gaining weight since you have started shifting consciousness.
Because of the easy dietary changes I made, for the first time in almost a decade, the scale was actually going down and I lost around 5-6kg simply by avoiding foods and things that create dampness in the body (read the teaching linked above for the ins- and outs of this ‘diet’).
I was happy with these results but it was still going relatively slow. Although I had gotten way more results than I had with other things on which I had spent thousands of euros such as personal trainers or an IV drop Liver cleanse in Dubai.
Releasing my heart & body armor
Fast forward to 2024, when I developed urinary tract problems that were helping me release my accumulated heart armor. After months of pain and discomfort in my bladder and lady parts, the unresolved sexual trauma from my childhood wanted to be revisited and released at an even deeper level.
I worked with many healers and therapists over the course of this year, but there was one session with one of the Soul Embodiment® therapists I had trained in the certification program that changed everything. It helped me to start to release everything that I had been too afraid to feel and let go of. These were the things I had even been subconsciously hiding from myself.
On June 10th I had a session with this SET therapist, I had already been struggling with UTIs for the past two and a half months by then. In that session, I saw that my father wound was the same as my split from Source wound.
Unresolved emotions of feeling degraded, unworthy, and being less than from both timelines were felt and released. I realized that I had never lost access to Heaven or Paradise and that everything on the other side of the perceived separation was mine by Divine right. I was worthy of having it.
A change in perspective
Seeing the correlation between my father wound and my split from Source wound changed my inner belief system from ‘You shattered my existence and I am not sure if I can ever get over this…’ and taking things very personally because of my ego-identification with my current life experiences.
To being able to see that even though my father’s behavior was monstrous and inexcusable, on a Soul level it served to help me heal wounds that I had been carrying with me since the beginning of time. From a Soul’s perspective, I had played out with my father the same wounding that I had with the Divine, which neither lets him off the hook for his behavior nor does it make me to blame.
Instead, this shift in perspective helped me to finally be able to start feeling the big scary emotions I had repressed as a little girl around the early childhood sexual abuse by my father and his friends, which was another memory that I had suppressed or perhaps hadn’t fully registered as they would drug me before they abused me.
Initially, I was outraged that they had drugged me until a couple of weeks later I realized listening to an interview with Bessel van der Kolk that being drugged had been my saving grace because my intoxicated state had actually protected me from being traumatized even more by the experience.
In the interview (see link above), he is asked about the fact that people on psychedelics during the October 7th attacks had less PTSD than people who were not on psychedelics. He confirmed that the (mental and emotional) state that you are in when the trauma occurs determines how you will react to the trauma.
This little piece of information, again shifted how I viewed what had happened to me and helped me better understand how I had been able to survive the experience and the huge betrayal by my father who had allowed all of this to happen, in the first place.
Facing these difficult and painful emotions that I had not been able to face before because they had been so overwhelming was what allowed me to finally let go, which is when I started to be able to begin releasing the excess weight as well.
The mind-body connection
That SET session was four and a half months ago and I have lost close to 12 kilos and counting since. I also shed 20cm (about 8 inches) from my waist and belly which was where I was holding the most weight.
Before this session, I had been stuck on the same weight for months and the day after the session, I started losing weight and it has continued to simply peel off of me easily and effortlessly ever since without eating less calories or crazy exercise to burn more calories.
In the months following, I revisited even more of my ancestral, past life, and childhood experiences that had led me to create a layer of protection around my heart and body to be able to survive those experiences.
With each layer being released energetically, it has helped me release a layer of fat physically bringing me back to how much I weighed four years ago.
The bonus is being able to fit into my cute clothes & sexy jeans again!
I have written before about how the body reflects what we subconsciously think and feel and this is a prime example from my own life showing this mind-body connection. When we subconsciously feel unsafe, we use body and heart armor to protect and defend ourselves from the people, situations, and experiences that we feel would otherwise hurt us.
When we address this subconscious need for safety, the body responds by releasing the weight we were often unbeknownst to ourselves using to protect ourselves.
How to get such unheard-of results
My clients often say that one session with me is like 8-10 sessions with other healers and part of that is obviously because I am very good at what I do. I am a master at my craft and my medicine has only become more potent over the years.
But the other important ingredient is the modality that I created and have trained others to use. The reason why I was able to get such huge results from a single session is because the SET therapist led me to the original wounding on a Soul path level, that my childhood wounds were trying to help me heal.
This is the power of the Soul Embodiment® Therapy method that it addresses our wounding at the true root cause which is always outside of our current lifetime. None of our current life wounds actually stem from the here and now, they are attempts to heal what was left unresolved in our past whether that is ancestral, past life, or even before we took human form.
This brings about this change in perspective that I described earlier that helps us create just enough distance from the ego’s idea of this is my trauma, my pain, etc. when we realize it’s a pain that was already there before we incarnated that makes us able to face it head-on. Where before in the ego’s mind it was a ten-headed monster that would certainly eat us alive if we ever acknowledged it, seeing the Soul’s perspective allows us to see it for what it really is old unresolved pain and trauma that when it is felt and released no longer has any power over us.
Accessing the Soul truth in this way can be absolutely cathartic, leading to huge breakthroughs we perhaps no longer thought possible. I am really grateful to have been able to experience such a life-altering transformation that I usually facilitate for others, for myself now in my own healing journey.
Curious about what Soul Embodiment® Therapy can do for you? Book a session with me.
With my deepest love,