- All illnesses have a metaphysical or better yet psychological origin
- Science is starting to support this view
- How our diet and lifestyle factor into disease
- We all carry unresolved trauma...
- Why an illness is never (karmic) punishment
- You did not 'create' your illness nor are you to blame
- You didn't attract or manifest your illness through your fears either
- It's kind of like ancestral trauma....
- Why would the Soul choose illness as an initiation tool?
- Facing our deepest pain isn't always easy
- Why a spiritual process doesn't mean you don't need medical care
- How illness fosters spiritual growth
- The greatest Ascension tool of our time
In this Soul teaching on Illness as a tool for Spiritual Growth you will learn:
- How the Soul uses illness and dis-ease to initiate you
- How our repressed and pent-up emotions make us sick
- How illness and dis-ease can be a tool for spiritual growth
- Why illness being a spiritual process doesn’t mean you don’t need medical care
- And more…
Life is our Ascension or Mystery School and our Soul is our initiator! The Soul Initiations series is a collection of Soul Teachings on the various Soul Initiations we can be led through in our current incarnation. To be initiated by our Soul means to cross a threshold, going from one state of being to another. These initiations serve to bring us to the next evolution of our Soul journey and the embodiment of the truth of who we truly are on a Soul level.
Often these initiations require a period of time in the unknown. They bring a sense of uncertainty as we go into uncharted territory. A period where we instinctively feel that we cannot go back to the way things were, but we also don’t know yet how things will be in the new reality we are birthing. Like Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, we venture into a no man’s land (the initiatory realm) to journey back into the world forever changed by our experiences. As we cross the threshold, it is clear that things will never be the same again. We are asked to walk blindfolded into a whole new world and a whole new way of being, trusting the path our Soul has put us on.
Soul initiations come in different areas of our lives and in different moments within our Soul journey. The various teachings in this Soul Initiation series, offer you the Soul’s perspective on these initiations and how going through them as messy and as painful as it can feel, serves your personal growth and spiritual evolution. In the end, these are processes happening for you, meant to bring you to the next level in your Soul journey and help you strip away all that is not the truth of who you are. They are an invitation to let go of all your ego’s misunderstandings, false beliefs, and false self-identifications to bring you face-to-face with your true self. Each Soul initiation helping you reclaim yet another piece of your wholeness.
All illnesses have a metaphysical or better yet psychological origin
An illness doesn’t strike us haphazardly, although it certainly can feel that way.
There’s always a past life (karmic), ancestral (hereditary), or current life (psychological) underlying cause of our illnesses, and often these timelines are deeply intertwined.
For example, Louise Hay attributed her cervical cancer to the sexual abuse she experienced as a child but childhood trauma is always an attempt to heal unresolved trauma from our ancestral lineage and/or past lives.
I never gave Louise Hay a session, but I am sure that if I had, we would have found a deeper root cause in her ancestral lineage and, if that was the case, in her past lives, as we use our ancestral lineages to heal past-life themes that we share with our ancestors. Read this Soul teaching on transgenerational trauma to understand how this works.
Yet, even without ancestral roots the origin of everything we experience in our current lifetime is an attempt to heal unresolved pain and wounding on a past life and Soul path (pre-human form) level.
Louise Hay is but one of many authors who have written about the mental, emotional, vibrational, metaphysical, or psychological causes of illnesses and diseases. Others are Florence Scovel Shinn, Ernest Holmes, Christianne Beerlandt, Michael J. Lincoln, and many more.
Science is starting to support this view
The idea that certain emotions and beliefs impact our health is well established, and this approach has also made its way into the treatment of disease. According to experts, one of the most well-documented links in medical research is the connection between repressing your feelings and contracting cancer.
This is why more and more forgiveness therapy is being brought in as a support in the healing and recovery process of not only cancer patients but also other diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
Spiritual psychologist Clara Naum says, “It’s not that unforgiveness causes cancer (or any other disease added by me). It’s that the suppression of anger, resentment, and grief disrupts the normal operation of our bodies. These disruptions lead to weakened immune system responses, and it’s this weakened immune system that opens the doors to illnesses and diseases.”
This is a topic I have written a Soul teaching on before detailing the Mind-Body connection. We also know that unresolved childhood trauma (click the link to read a Soul teaching on childhood trauma) is correlated with an increase in disease:
‘Exposure to trauma during childhood can dramatically increase people’s risk for 7 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the U.S.—including high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer—and it’s crucial to address this public health crisis, according to Harvard Chan alumna Nadine Burke Harris.’ Source: Harvard.edu Other physical effects associated with childhood trauma are anxiety, depression, diabetes, obesity, stroke, and substance use disorders.
The idea that illness is rooted in our emotions and beliefs (or thoughts that impact our emotions) is no longer just some whacky New Age idea or spiritual mumbo-jumbo. It has found its way into the medical community and there is a growing body of research that corroborates the underlying mind-body connection, which works both ways to create sickness in the body as well as a way to heal it.
How our diet and lifestyle factor into disease
Other factors such as a healthy diet and lifestyle or lack thereof can exacerbate or improve our health. Experiments with introducing healthy foods in prisons and psychiatric wards have shown significant improvements in emotional well-being, positive behavior (and a reduction in negative behavior), as well as improved mental health outcomes.
The food we eat impacts how we think and feel, and how we think and feel impacts the foods we choose to eat. The more stressed we are the more we tend to select foods that are high in sugar, salt, and fat.
This creates a vicious cycle, where it becomes the story of the chicken and the egg, which came first?
The answer is simple.
Our trauma was there first, as we brought it in through our past lives as well as through our ancestral lineages. Unresolved trauma burdens our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system which keeps us in a constant state of hypervigilance and therefore in a constant state of stress.
So, although diet and lifestyle do play a role and can either make things worse or help improve them, they aren’t the root cause of our health issues. Our unresolved pain and trauma are; which consist of emotions, beliefs, and self-identifications we created through our traumatic experiences.
These are what are wreaking havoc on our minds and bodies, disrupting the various processes in the body that open the door to becoming sick. Our diets and lifestyles may speed up or slow down this process, but it is our unresolved trauma that is the root cause.
We all carry unresolved trauma…
Most people think that because they can’t remember their trauma they don’t have any trauma, but the reality is that everyone carries unresolved trauma from this lifetime, previous lifetimes, their ancestral lineages, and on a Soul path level.
But, it’s actually quite common to not remember your traumatic experiences completely or sometimes at all. This is because the brain uses a strategy to dissociate from stress, trauma, and hurtful memories that are too overwhelming to process at that time. It does this to protect itself from extreme anxiety which could cause a system overload or collapse.
Oftentimes due to this protective mechanism, we fail to remember our childhood trauma or face a lot of memory gaps when we try to remember the difficult times of our lives.
Because most of this trauma is held subconsciously as a way to protect the self, even when we remember certain traumatic experiences we have often dissociated from the painful emotions we felt during the traumatic experience which leaves these emotions unresolved and hiding in the shadows of our psyche. When left there too long they tax the system, and sickness is the result.
This is how childhood trauma dramatically increases people’s risk for 7 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the U.S. and the rest of the world because we are often unaware of the ticking emotional timebomb inside of us.
Why an illness is never (karmic) punishment
If we have a hereditary illness, a predisposition toward certain illnesses or we were born with a certain illness it is because the imprint for this illness was in the karmic templates that we carry in what is called the causal or karmic body in Vedic teachings.
Our causal body is the only body that follows us from lifetime to lifetime and from which our Soul creates our physical, mental, emotional, and vibrational body for each new incarnation.
This is what Dr. Marc Halpern founder and President of the California College of Ayurveda writes about the causal body:
‘Here we find the karmic template that records or stores the impressions from our previous lives. This karmic template affects all aspects of the creation of the subtle and physical bodies. This includes deformities, looks, and intelligence, as well as mental and emotional tendencies, as it sets the stage to allow our lessons to unfold.’ Source: ayurvedacollege.com
Because most people see the concept of karma as a cosmic judgment system that either rewards us for our good deeds or punishes us for our bad ones, illness then becomes a punishment if it is seen as karmic.
The logic is quite simple; illness is seen as something undesirable and therefore must be a punishment by the Universe or God. We see this view of illness as a punishment by the Divine also within religions that do not believe in reincarnation or karma. It’s a view deeply embedded within the human psyche but that is completely baseless.
Karma is not a punishment or reward system, it merely refers to what was left unresolved in the past that we are still trying to resolve in the current moment. Karma is a neutral concept, devoid of the dualistic view of good and bad.
In fact, the causal body is a seed sustained by karma which allows us the experience of being incarnated in the physical. Read this Soul teaching on Reincarnation to understand more.
‘When we die, it is the causal body that follows us from lifetime to lifetime carrying our karmic records with it. In a sense, the karmic body never dies, as it is not really alive to begin with. It is a seed sustained by karma. When one’s karma has been exhausted, it releases the person’s individual consciousness to merge back into the ocean of pure consciousness. ‘ Source: ayurvedacollege.com
Karma is merely what keeps us in the cycle of death and rebirth until we are ready to merge back with Source. It’s neither a punishment nor a reward, it is what has allowed us to experience life in a physical/human form as on a Soul level we are immortal light beings that had to densify our energy fields through trauma in order to be able to take physical form.
Our karma is nothing but the unresolved experiences and emotions that we still carry from this trauma that we needed to experience in order to densify our light bodies into human form. This might be a lot to wrap your head around if this is the first time hearing it, I explain this process in depth in this eight-part Soul teachings called the Soul Path Series.
You did not ‘create’ your illness nor are you to blame
The illness or dis-ease you experience is not your fault nor did you ‘create’ it. You are not to blame. Especially, within the New Age community there’s this tenacious idea that we can create our reality in every little detail and although there is some truth in that, it’s not the full story.
Our reality is only created for a fraction by the conscious mind, the estimate is about 5%.
This means that the rest of the 95% of reality creation is done through the subconscious mind. We live in a society that believes it can mold and shape everything as it wishes, but that is only true to the extent that your subconscious mind doesn’t hold any conflicting beliefs in regard to your conscious desires.
The other thing people tend to forget is that sub-conscious literally means underneath or below our conscious awareness. The dictionary definition of the word subconscious is of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings.
So how can you ‘create’ something that you are not fully aware of, let alone be to blame for it?
It makes no sense right?
It is time to stop blaming or shaming ourselves and others for creating our illnesses or diseases as this is not only non-constructive, it’s utter nonsense.
Yes, the Soul has the power to create anything it wants. Yes, you are the Earth avatar of your Soul and your Soul is who you truly are. But no amount of mental gymnastics, gets you to be the embodiment of your Soul.
Because as long as you carry unresolved pain and trauma, it keeps you from being able to embody your Soul Blueprint, i.e. the truth of who you are. As long as you carry unresolved pain and trauma in your vibrational field it is going to hijack your current reality, to pull in the people, situations, and experiences it needs to become conscious so that it can be healed once and for all.
As long as your unresolved past is hijacking your current reality to seek resolution, you are not free to create the things you want because ridding yourself of your unresolved past has a higher priority to the Soul than manifesting your ego desires. In other words, you may consciously want x, y, or z – but if the subconscious has deemed other things more important than x, y, or z and they conflict with those priorities then it will not allow you to have them.
This is even more true if the subconscious mind believes it has to protect you against x, y, or z because of past unresolved pain and trauma that it is referencing. The only way to get x, y, or z then is to heal the unresolved pain and trauma that the subconscious thinks it is protecting you from experiencing again. This is the only way to stop the subconscious mind from canceling out your conscious desire in its misguided attempt to ‘protect’ you.
You didn’t attract or manifest your illness through your fears either
The idea that we can attract, manifest, or create illnesses through our fears is ludicrous as well. It’s nothing but fear-mongering superstition that makes you fear your fears, lest they become reality.
We cannot bring about situations that are not meant for us or that do not correspond with our Divine Plan no matter how much we fear them.
Just as much as fearing a plane crash, doesn’t actually make planes crash nor does the fear of losing your job, house, or car make them a reality, the same is true for sickness and disease. Fears are often just that, a fear and nothing else. Most fears are by definition ungrounded and irrational, that’s why it’s an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.
When I was struggling with a UTI from hell last year that wouldn’t go away I spent months being paranoid afraid (I’m exaggerating slightly but it was pretty intense) that it would spread to the kidneys causing sepsis and death. Everything you read online about UTIs warns you of this possibility, when in reality it is a possibility that doesn’t happen that often.
Because the prescribed antibiotics as well as the natural remedies I was taking weren’t working, I was getting more and more worried. Especially, because with each antibiotic I took I was potentially making the bacteria more antibiotic-resistant while simultaneously running out of antibiotics that could work in case things got worse. Despite many sleepless nights and hours spent in fear, the UTI never became a kidney infection.
I used to have severe hypochondriac tendencies in my early twenties, which I now know was connected to the childhood incest and sexual abuse I experienced at a very young age. I also didn’t die back then of an aneurysm or develop cancer or any other diseases I feared at that stage in life.
Unless an illness or disease has something deeper to help you heal, you can’t manifest or create it.
At the same time don’t go playing with the ‘Devil’ and do stupid sh*t thinking God or your Soul will protect you, like those preachers that die from snake bites trying to prove they have the Holy Spirit in them. Being reckless with your health and body is a whole different discussion, that we’re not addressing today.
I don’t advocate throwing caution to the wind but being afraid you will manifest your fears is old paradigm superstition. It is the New Age version of ‘speak of the devil and he’s sure to appear’ based on the superstitious belief that pronouncing the devil’s name will cause his arrival on the scene. We cannot create a New Earth holding onto belief systems that belong to the old way of seeing things.
It’s kind of like ancestral trauma….
So if we don’t create, attract, or manifest our illnesses through our fears or mechanisms that we have actual control over, how are they created?
Of course, no one chooses to be sick and no one can be held responsible for ‘their’ subconscious beliefs or repressed emotions because nine times out of ten they aren’t even our own.
We inherited them from our ancestors or past-life predecessors. Even if they are from this lifetime, as mentioned before they are rooted in traumas outside of this lifetime.
Although we can take responsibility for healing such false beliefs and repressed emotions, we aren’t to blame for having them nor for the situations and experiences our subconscious mind pulls in (or creates) to help us heal them. Illness and disease are just some of the many possible scenarios for healing that the Soul employs, other scenarios are for example loss, betrayal, violence, and so on.
Illness and disease are a tool the Soul can use to help us heal deeper Soul themes that we have been struggling with over lifetimes and lifetimes or our otherwise unresolved past that we are still struggling with today. These initiations are meant to serve us rather than hurt us, even when we do not survive them. This may seem counterintuitive because the most desirable outcome is normally considered a partial or full recovery, but death can be part of one’s Soul initiation.
When this is the case, the level of mental, emotional, and vibrational healing attained as well as the evolutionary/spiritual growth we experienced is never lost and will benefit us in our lives to come.
Much like ancestral healing, all healing done in this lifetime will continue to work through in all our embodiments to come. In this way, the healing we do now changes the circumstances of the lives our Soul is yet to live in the future, through the different embodiments to come or other forms of being if and when we become karma-free in this lifetime.
Those who have guided loved ones to the other side will recognize that the person is often brought to a resolution of the past through illness or on their deathbed in preparation for the next incarnation. This will allow the upcoming embodiment of the Soul to start its incarnation at a different entry point than the previous embodiment because of the last-minute cleanup that took place before death.
The tidier we leave our current embodiment, the better a start in life we give to the next-gen embodiment of our Soul. This is true on an ancestral level, where our children and grandchildren greatly benefit from the healing we do but this is just as much true on a Soul level where future incarnations of the self benefit from what we healed ‘for’ them and of course for ourselves, in our current lifetime.
Why would the Soul choose illness as an initiation tool?
Anyone who has struggled with an illness or a disease that was difficult to heal or perhaps even considered incurable will tell you that experience changed their lives and that is exactly what Soul initiations do.
Soul initiations take us on the hero’s journey into a transformational process that will forever change us and allow us to become more of who we truly are. In this way the hero’s journey is an all-embracing metaphor for the deep inner journey of transformation that heroes in every time and place seem to share, a path that leads them through great movements of separation, descent, ordeal, and return.
As Rebecca Campbell famous for her oracle card decks puts it:
‘Initiations require that we cross the threshold from one world or state of being to the next. We are called to face what scares us and have to be willing to lose it all, in order to gain a new way of being, of safety, of security, of depth, of meaning.
Initiations, like rites of passage, mark the shift from one age to the next, and can take place because of emotional turmoil, great loss, grief, or devastation. But it is through the seeming hardship that our heart cracks open and our spirit is invested to step forward. We take the sacred voyage into more of who we are and who we came here to be. It can be painful and scary, but once we begin the journey, we can be more ourselves than ever before.’ Source: Work Your Light Oracle
Illness and disease are a way to bring us to see how valuable life is, how valuable our health is, and what is really worth our time and energy. It brings things back to the basics, what really matters and it’s often only when we have had a brush with death or a health scare that we are willing to rid ourselves of the excess mental, emotional, and vibrational baggage that we have been carrying.
We are forced to choose between holding onto the things that got us sick and suffering or letting them go and witnessing how this impacts our minds and bodies.
This is the central theme in all stories of miraculous and unexpected recoveries, this moment where the choice is made to face the real issue and not just try to get rid of our symptoms. It is the turning point in our healing journeys, where we suddenly attract or intuitively are led to the solutions that had until recently been illuding us.
Facing our deepest pain isn’t always easy
I am lucky to have very robust health with zero health scares, hospital stays, ongoing medication, or surgeries ever in my life. Aside from the seasonal flu now and then I have had no issues. I am even breezing through menopause with little to no symptoms and my hormones and bloodwork were perfect when I recently went to a hormone specialist to get everything tested.
The ongoing UTI I experienced last year has been the closest I have ever come to a health scare forcing me to face the painful truth of my early childhood incest and sexual abuse by my father’s friends, which was much worse than that I had dared to admit to myself before.
In fact, the UTI was part of the body’s way to release this deeply held childhood pain and the ancestral, as well as past life, and Soul path wounding it was helping me heal. It also helped me reclaim a sense of security that had been lost since my childhood and perhaps even longer.
Since then my physical health has been better than it has been in ages, simply because I was finally able to let go of the very emotions and beliefs that were causing discomfort such as edema and an accumulation of protective weight that peeled off of me as I released these deeply repressed emotions.
It wasn’t that I didn’t want or hadn’t tried to face these emotions before, it was that they were so deeply buried because they were so painful that it was very difficult to get access to them.
The UTI helped me release the pent-up emotional and physical pain that had been stored in my vagina and bladder due to this current life, ancestral, and past life trauma. Not only that it helped me release long-held false self-identifications that went all the way back to my split from Source wound.
I came out of that experience forever changed on the most fundamental level because of all the healing work I did on a mental and emotional level, to help myself heal physically from the UTI symptoms.
It wasn’t merely the physically being sick that changed me, it was the mental and emotional work I did around this on a current life, ancestral, past life, and Soul path level that brought about this change because I was addressing the root cause and not just trying to get rid of my physical symptoms.
Why a spiritual process doesn’t mean you don’t need medical care
Whether your illness or disease is a spiritual process or Soul initiation, it doesn’t mean you do not need to address the physical side of it naturally or allopathically. It’s not an either/or scenario. Also healing something energetically, vibrationally, or through conscious awareness isn’t superior to other ways of healing.
The only part of you that believes this is the spiritual ego, that is out to prove its spiritual prowess.
When it comes to healing, the physical body is often the last body that we release and transmute the past from because it is the most dense body. If you have healed things in the mental and emotional or even in the vibrational body, it doesn’t mean you have failed if and when you develop physical symptoms.
This is because trauma is stored in the physical body as well and needs to be released physically too. Somatic therapy for example focuses on releasing stored trauma from the body, part of my recovery journey last year was through somatic release work that helped me release the stored trauma from my pelvic area and the various organs it holds inside such as the bladder, the womb, etc.
A holistic approach to healing means using different avenues and this can include allopathic solutions such as medicine and surgery. Many people who have had negative experiences with normal medicine tend to turn their back on it completely, and this isn’t always in their best interest.
Although you don’t have to say yes to everything your doctor suggests, it’s important to have regular checkups and blood tests to see where you are at. Ordinary medical blood tests for example can expose deficiencies, but they can also detect supplementation excesses which are undesirable as well.
You can always decide to treat something naturally if you prefer, but a proper medical diagnosis makes it easier to know where to start and what can be done, in the realm of treatment.
It’s great if the lady with the pendulum says that you are in perfect health but she might not be the right person to get medical advice from. On the other hand, there are plenty of medical intuitive or mediums that have energetically detected serious illnesses that got people correctly diagnosed and into treatment on time to reverse them.
Both sides of the aisle, have had their screw-ups it doesn’t mean you have to abandon that side altogether. Probably just changing doctors or care providers will already do the trick. You have the right to fire your doctor and find someone who is better suited to support you in your healing journey.
Hospitals can also surprise you. When my mother was sent to the pain unit in Ibiza she was desperate for relief but not willing to take cortisone shots. The doctor on duty during her appointment was Dr. Alberto Hernández an Ozone therapy specialist, who had spearheaded the department that during Covid used Ozone therapy to treat and cure patients.
He treated my mother’s sciatica with ozone and one injection already greatly improved the level of pain she experienced. Since then she has been able to drastically reduce the painkillers she used to manage the pain, now only taking them on rare occasions instead of needing multiple daily to make it through the day.
This appointment opportunity came right after I had given her a session to access the root cause of the sciatica she had at that point already been struggling with for close to one year.
How illness fosters spiritual growth
Like all Soul initiations, illness creates a liminal space where we are held in the in-between of what was and what is to come. We are as it were held hostage in a difficult situation that follows us everywhere we go. It’s that loss of freedom often and loss of comfort that forces us out of our comfort zone and to rise above ourselves.
One of the clients that I worked with last year found that the adrenal cancer she was diagnosed with was helping her reclaim her power. All her life she had been in a pattern of parentification with her mother, through our work together she was completely able to shift this pattern with her mother and for the first time in her life her mother was finally taking care of her.
When we feel powerless, we often resort to control to keep ourselves safe which can cause patterns such as parentification, being the giver in relationships, becoming the rescuer with clients, friends, and loved ones, and so on. The cancer brought her face to face with this psychological pattern, helping her transform it.
Because we could access the root cause of her giving away her power, she was able to let go of her need for control to be able to feel safe which allowed her to open up to the care of others. The problem with this psychological pattern is that it keeps people stuck in the role of giver, unable to truly receive.
Shifting out of it after eons and eons (lifetimes and lifetimes) of being stuck in this pattern signifies immense spiritual growth. Our personal power is a Soul attribute and so reclaiming our personal power is reclaiming this aspect of our wholeness on a Soul level.
For me, the UTI as frustrating and painful as it was, really helped in releasing the armor around my heart chakra as I explained in the blog I wrote about the spiritual meaning of a UTI.
My mother developed sciatica at the beginning of 2024, my mom is always on the go. She is always busy doing something. Well, the sciatica of course made doing a lot more difficult (read painful) which helped her ease into being, which she would have otherwise through her programming of needing to be of service to others to be valuable, never have been able to do on her own.
The sciatica forced her to slow down, to delegate tasks that she would otherwise tell herself she would do quicker/better than waiting for someone else to do it and it forced her to take more rest than she would normally allow herself.
These are just a handful of ways that illness and dis-ease can help us spiritually grow.
I deeply believe that psychological growth (healing) is what fosters spiritual growth. The more we heal our wounded ego/psyche, the more we reclaim our wholeness on a Soul level.
The greatest Ascension tool of our time
Healing our psyche is the greatest Ascension tool of our time, this is because as I mentioned earlier we used trauma at the beginning of our Soul journey to densify our energy fields from light beings into physical beings and we de-densify or ascend by healing the trauma that allowed us to take physical form.
Healing our unresolved trauma is the ONLY way back to our original state, aka our Divine Blueprint.
How we heal that trauma might be up for debate, but that it needs to be healed isn’t. Not if we want to embody the truth of who we are, which is buried underneath the unresolved pain and wounding we still carry from our complete incarnation journey. It has to be released if we want to come into Soul embodiment and reclaim our wholeness and sovereignty on a Soul level.
I pray that this Soul teaching has helped you understand the significance of illness and disease as an initiation tool of the Soul to help us remove the layers of wounding that are covering our true nature as well as facilitate spiritual growth and a deeper sense of wholeness that we take with us into future embodiments.
Much of our body’s detoxification processes are in fact the shedding of old vibrations, emotions, beliefs, and so on that the body wants to release. The more we can make what wants to be released conscious, the deeper we can let go of it. Like the physical body, the psyche is forever trying to reach homeostasis and through the mind-body connection the physical body is an active participant in healing our heart and “soul”.
I put the word soul in quotation marks because the Soul itself of course doesn’t need healing. It has remained unscathed in the Soul realm throughout our incarnation and Soul journey. I use the word soul here to refer to the psyche or our Earth avatar – the part of us that holds the accumulation of all of our unresolved pain and deeply identifies with it. It is that identification that needs to be healed for us to be able to embody who we truly are, our Soul self.
Do you feel called to work with me?
Please check out the Soulology and Soul Embodiment® Therapy sessions to book a session.
I would love to hear from you in the comment section below, you can post your comments and any questions you have about illness as a Soul Initiation.
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With my deepest love,