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Experiencing the Magic of My Own Medicine

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Sabriyé Dubrie

As a mystic Sabriyé taps into the collective wisdom on a Soul Path level that she shares through the Soul Teachings. These teachings serve to stir the remembrance of your own Soul Wisdom. Never miss a new Soul Teaching again by signing up for our newsletter.

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For the past seven years, I have been working with my self-developed Soul Embodiment® Therapy method in over a thousand client sessions with revolutionary results that exceed most other healing modalities. In fact, my clients often tell me that they have never gone as deep as I have taken them into their healing process. Because many of my clients are healers themselves, this says a lot.

Although I have done a lot of healing myself, I never had the opportunity to experience the magic of my own medicine until yesterday when one of my students in my Soul Embodiment® Therapy Certification program brought me into my own Soul Records.

This happened quite spontaneously because we were one person short in the breakout room practice sessions that we are doing to prepare the group for the certification stage.

This being a practice session I had no expectations whatsoever about the outcome of the session. I was merely there to allow my student to practice on me. As we went into the Soul Records I wondered how my method was going to work on me, as my psychic abilities are more knowing or feeling and less seeing. This is something clients worry about, but you don’t have to be able to ‘see’ in order to access your Soul records, the information can come through hearing, feeling, or knowing as well.

As I suspected I didn’t see the hallway that led into the Records Library, but because I have led clients into it a thousand times over I could feel we were there. I also couldn’t see the books, but the descriptions of the book came intuitively as I was simply feeling into them, and so did the stories that seemed to just pop up in my mind unfolding themselves step by step in the same way they are revealed step by step to my clients when they access their Soul Records.

What happened next blew my mind!

We went into a previous lifetime in Lemuria that had come up in other sessions with other healers before and released some leftover stuck fear energy in the root chakra from that lifetime that allowed me to ground stronger into my connection with life and planet Earth.

We had gotten there through the third eye chakra and despite my then advanced psychic skills (we all still had advanced psychic skills in Lemuria) something happened, that I had not seen coming that had left such a deep shock and such a deep sense of not being safe in the world that I had carried with me ever since.

My student was shown this faucet from my root chakra being opened and all this black guck gushing out. I experienced it as first a part of me coming back, a piece of myself that had split off due to the shock (this is called soul retrieval), and then I felt this deep penetrating energy in my root chakra and I wasn’t sure if something was coming in or going out. I then felt so deeply grounded in a way that I have never felt grounded before and it felt really complete.

Then we went to the solar plexus and healed a previous lifetime where as a young man in an attempt to improve my life I had posed as a Chinese Buddhist monk. I had somehow found dark yellow silk monk’s clothing much like the image above and grabbed my chance to improve my life, without actually being trained as a monk.

This was possible because, in the beginning, many monks were traveling as Buddhism spread from India to China. Leaving that life I felt like an imposter, for having used pretending to be a holy man to improve my life and my position in life.

I had been a poor kid living in the streets before and by pretending to be a monk I was treated with more kindness, more respect, and given gifts of food and other donations in return for blessing people’s lives, children, crops, houses, and so on. I had not meant to do bad, I had simply seized an opportunity that led to living a lie that I was eventually caught in and punished for.

My student then guided me to see how this pattern of feeling like an imposter played out in other lifetimes, I was shown a lifetime that I have revisited often since I first found it in 2012. I saw that my lifetime as the Chinese Buddhist imposter monk had created this false belief that because I had felt I didn’t “deserve” the better life I had created for myself as a monk that when I was born into better life circumstances upon reincarnation, I still felt deep down that I didn’t deserve it because of the guilt I carried around not having actually earned it.

I think this was even deepened by the fact that Asian countries like China have such a strong honor code and that by pretending to be a monk I had disgraced myself and made a mockery of something that was so highly revered. This extra aspect of shame made me subconsciously feel even less deserving of a better life.

I always tell my clients guilt seeks punishment and so when we feel guilty we tend to punish ourselves by depriving ourselves to make amends.

This imposter syndrome had created a pattern of self-sabotage when it came to living a better life because deep down subconsciously there was still the belief that because of my shameful behavior in that lifetime pretending to be a monk I didn’t deserve to have a better life. Revisiting this past life now, not being conditioned by those Asian codes of honor and seeing the full picture from a third-party perspective I could see that he was just a kid trying to get by and that he had not acted from malice but from survival.

I forgave him and told him I understood his actions and that he had paid his dues, there was no need for punishment anymore. Not only had he paid his dues, but multiple reincarnations after him including myself had continued to try to make amends because we inherit our soul predecessor’s wounding in a similar way that we can inherit transgenerational trauma (aka ancestral trauma).

My biggest blocks have always been in the root chakra and solar plexus, this is what multiple energy healers and psychics have always seen over the past eight years. Now, with the help of my student and the magic of my own medicine, I was able to release both of these blocks in less than an hour working in the causal body.

It was such an amazing experience to be able to work with my own method, being the one on the receiving end, and to see what my students are already capable of.

I can’t wait for this group to certify and go do their magic out in the real world!

With my deepest love,
