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My Soul Musings, Welcome to A New Chapter…

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Sabriyé Dubrie

As a mystic Sabriyé taps into the collective wisdom on a Soul Path level that she shares through the Soul Teachings. These teachings serve to stir the remembrance of your own Soul Wisdom. Never miss a new Soul Teaching again by signing up for our newsletter.

Table of Contents

I love writing, I love words and I love expressing myself through words…

But I don’t always have time to sit down and write teachings, because what takes you around 20 to 30 minutes to read takes me around three days to write and edit. Just because it is channeled work doesn’t make it come out spelling or grammar error-free, it would be so awesome if that was the case.

Plus the teachings are often very serious, very deep, and meant to communicate a deeper soul understanding to those who read them. Don’t get me wrong I love writing them, but I wanted to create something for myself to bring back a little more fun, more silliness or lightness maybe, less depth, not writing for a goal, just a way to express myself in the way it feels right at that moment.

This is why I have started these soul musings or Sabriyé’s musings as the current working title. A sort of personal blog-style idea where I can share thoughts, emotions, the behind-the-scenes of my family life and business, my favorite recipes, books, oracle decks, and movies. In short, a space where I can express myself and share more of who I am outside of what I do.

Yes, I am a healer, a teacher, a mentor, a writer, and so on but I am much more than that. I am also a daughter to my live-in mother, a mom to my teenage son, and a friend to some amazing people near and far, and even that doesn’t sum up the many layers of my multi-dimensional being.

Because did you know that I am also the proud owner of unicorn rainbow roller skates for example? Which I may or may not show a video of in the future with me skating my heart out…

These new shorter writings are my passion project, they are a way to relax deeper into my femininity. A way to show myself more outside of who I am as a professional and above all a way to bring back more fun into my life. After seven consecutive years of hard-core healing, diving deep into self, Ascension, and whatnot, it’s time for me to turn a new corner and I am inviting you along for the ride.

I will try to write things daily, which may not always work out that way but let’s see how it goes. Even there I want to keep things fluid and let them come when they want, instead of as a result of a rigid structure. Rigid structures, extreme self-discipline, a huge drive, and the courage to face my deepest pain have gotten me here where I am now.

They got me out of poverty and off of welfare in 2011, celebrating my first 5 figure month in January 2013, out of debt in 2014, traveling the world with my family in 2018, hitting the six figures in my business, and eventually moving into our dream home in Ibiza in mid-2020.

Relying on my masculine side has brought me far, but as I am ready to shift from surviving to thriving it’s time to bring out the other side of me to come and play. The fun side, the silly side, the pleasure-seeking, fun-loving, goofy, vulnerable, weird, sexy, girly, wild, wise, womanly, and orgasmic side.

2022 is the year where I get to be ALL of me, perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect just the way I am.

With my deepest love,
