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We did it! The Family In India Has A New Roof – But Still More Needs To Be Done

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Sabriyé Dubrie

As a mystic Sabriyé taps into the collective wisdom on a Soul Path level that she shares through the Soul Teachings. These teachings serve to stir the remembrance of your own Soul Wisdom. Never miss a new Soul Teaching again by signing up for our newsletter.

We did it together

It is done, the roof has been fixed. In November, I held a little fundraiser and ten people joined within 24 hours to help raise money for the new roof that a single mother and her family needed replaced. Choti (little sister in Hindi) is a single mother with two children living with her and her mother in rural India. I met her while visiting India and we had an instant bond. We lost touch when she was given away in an arranged marriage, but shortly after her husband left her after a difficult marriage she found me online and reached out to reconnect.

When we met my team and I had given her the money she needed to finish school and because of this she was now able to get a job and is working hard to improve her future and that of her children, but despite her immense internal drive she is in an economic situation where big expenses aren’t possible because she simply doesn’t earn enough.

No man is an island

This is why I have chosen to help her because we all need someone to give us a leg up in life.

When I was Choti’s age I was in a similar situation a single mother of two children, divorced trying to survive. My divorce lawyer was the one to give me a leg up, not only during my first divorce but throughout more than ten years I could call him for any legal and life advice I needed. His unwavering support was part of my success that allowed me to get off welfare and become financially independent in ways I had never imagined to be possible.

This man adopted me like a daughter and became a father to me in a way my biological father never was, this man was my cheerleader and he got me out of many a hotfix over the years. My first divorce was extremely messy, with many subsequent court cases to clean up the mess of my agreeing to everything just to get out with the kids, alive.

We all need someone like that in our lives, someone who knows the drill and who will support our dreams. I had my lawyer Siebe and now I get to play that role for my Indian Choti and her family because this girl is working hard toward the future she wants to create. I believe when we set such intentions the Universe brings us the people and resources to make our dreams come true. It’s simply a question of like attracts like, we become magnets for what we dream of when we go out to make those dreams happen.

My lawyer Siebe didn’t pull me out of the circumstances I was in, he supported me in my efforts to create the life I dreamt of, and in a similar way I am merely supporting Choti in making her dreams come true because we all need that leg up from time to time.

A new roof

In the past years, the government of India had a program in which they helped poor families build houses and although this sounds great in theory the end product hardly qualifies as a house. In Choti’s case, they built two rooms in 2017/2018 with no floors, brick walls, and no bathroom or toilet. Although it was a huge improvement to how they lived before, there’s not much difference between such houses and a barn. Not only that due to the corruption present on a local level, the quality of the build is also very low. Within 5,5 years one side wall had a tear in it from the bottom to the top and the roof had partially come off as well. That shouldn’t happen in a relatively newly built home, but it did. With a monthly income of $50, the family has no way to fix it because just fixing the roof equals almost a full year’s salary.

Thanks to the fundraiser and the generosity of those who joined in, we were able to quickly raise the money to fix the roof but then had to wait for a team of construction workers to be available. This past weekend they finally did the work after weeks of stringing the family along that they would be there soon, which I have been told is very common in India. Choti told me yesterday that her mother was crying with happiness that the roof was finally fixed because before when it would rain, it would rain in on the room where the youngest child napped.

Just the tip of the iceberg

True to people stuck in survival mode, there is a tendency to focus on putting out fires without being able to see the big picture – Choti has been no exception. Although it was obvious that the roof was the first thing that needed to be fixed, it turned out that much more needed to be fixed including the tear in the wall, inside and outside plastering, a floor because when it rains the dirt floor in the home turns muddy and there is no bathroom and shower in the home. A lot still needs to be done to make the house, truly a house and home and although there are for example government schemes to fund bathrooms, the local authorities responsible for such projects are corrupt and only those who can afford bribes will get government-funded bathrooms built which you can’t expect much from as they are built by the same companies that build these so-called houses.

While we can’t fix the problems of all India, we can change the lives of this family. My family has taken them under our wings, we send a monthly amount of money to support them and we have also helped with winter clothes, toys, medicine, English learning materials, hygienic products, and bulk foods so that they don’t need to spend what little money they have on daily living expenses.

To me, this is also about breaking generational ‘curses’ of poverty. These children need to get chances their mother and grandmother never had, especially the daughter as India of course has a long history of marrying off girls instead of teaching them to be self-sufficient, especially in rural areas. Just like my maternal lineage of poverty stopped with me, I want the poverty to end with Choti and she is working hard towards creating this future for herself taking state exams so that she can get a higher-paying job in the future. Passing these exams will allow her to work in a different work environment earning higher wages, so she and her family can live comfortably.

A new fundraiser to finish all the work

I am super proud of her and all her hard work which is why I have decided to hold a second fundraiser to help get the house into a truly liveable condition for these women and two children. This time I have decided to create 30 fundraiser spots to raise the money to get everything done at once when it comes to the floors, walls, doors, and bathroom.

It’s perhaps a little ambitious but after the great success of getting the roof fixed together in such a relatively short period, I feel confident that we can also tackle these other issues efficiently and quickly even though in India like everywhere else in the world prices have gone up, making construction workers and materials more expensive than before which obviously makes projects like these inaccessible to the poor. As was predicted, the pandemic hit the poorest the hardest which is also why during the pandemic I participated in a friend’s fundraiser in India where they went out to deliver grocery packets to the migrant workers who were deeply affected by the lockdowns.

How you can be a changemaker too

One of my biggest teachers on the Law of Attraction and metaphysics is the deceased Florence Scovel Shinn, she taught that giving opens the way to receiving and so long before I was in a position to give I started incorporating it into my business model. I started out by giving microcredit loans with other lenders to female entrepreneurs in third-world countries, supporting women like myself who were single parents trying to create a better future for their children. Later I joined Milaap to help fund building toilets in rural India, to reduce sexual violence against women and girls, and to improve hygiene and reproductive health.

As a woman changing my own destiny and the future of my children, I invested in the futures I not only wanted for myself and my children but for all the women and children in the world. Of course, I couldn’t change things on the largest scale but I could do it on a scale that fit where I was in my life at that time. Because it’s not about what one person does on their own, but what we can do together as a collective. Becoming a changemaker at the beginning of my business, far before I could actually live off of my business is what got me where I am today.

And now I am inviting you to join me in this joint effort.

The setup is simple:

  • I have a limited amount of mini-Soulology sessions
  • At a discounted price of €111 (The normal price is €222 for 1 hour)
  • All proceeds go 100% to the funding of this project in India
  • You can also gift a mini-Soulology session to someone else

What can you expect from a mini-Soulology session:

  • Clarity on your Soul purpose and the first step to start taking it
  • A deeper understanding of the patterns playing out in your life at this time
  • Putting together the pieces of the puzzle so you get a deeper understanding of yourself and your life
  • Relationship, Ascension, Spiritual, and Law of Attraction coaching
  • Clarity on what wants or needs to be healed in your life

What kind of results do my clients get:

  • Relationship healing more effective than couples therapy
  • Money windfalls in salary, gifts, loan pardons, business income, etc.
  • Manifesting long cherished dreams
  • Crystal clarity around their Soul mission
  • Soul depth healing, deeper than they have ever gone before

The extra BONUS is of course knowing that the full amount of your session is put towards helping this family in India to improve their lives in ways that would otherwise take years and years before it could be accomplished. We don’t have the power to go back and change our own childhoods, but we do have an opportunity here today to change the future of these two young children and the circumstances in which they are raised.

Make a donation

For those of you who want to make a donation, this is also possible. After the remodeling, the family needs cabinets, beds, and other furniture. Due to the at times muddy floors, they currently only have makeshift furniture such as two large tables that also function as beds. If you want to contribute through a donation you can do so by clicking this link:

Make a donation

I thank everyone for their generosity and I look forward to working with the thirty people that will make this project possible so that 2024 can start in the best way possible for this beautiful family. Thank you.

With my deepest love,
