There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness as well as higher levels of income. The missing piece however in most teachings is...
The Soul Path series is an eight-article series by Sabriyé Dubrie of Soul Teachings on the origin of our Soul path ‘birth’ and our evolution into the (human) incarnation experience. The teachings shared are gleaned from my own healing journey on a Soul path level and my experience in working with over a thousand clients using the Soul Embodiment® Therapy method.
For those interested in learning this method as a therapist, I run a yearly Soul Embodiment® Therapy Certification Program to train therapists worldwide in this revolutionary healing modality.
In this Soul teaching on the spilt from Source you will learn:
Why we split from Source, to begin with
How the split from Source impacted us
How our split from Source is our Cosmic ‘childhood’ on a Soul path level
How we are still trying to heal our split from Source wound
And more…
The Cosmic womb
As souls, we started our soul path journey in the cosmic womb of Source at One and in symbiosis with the Divine. Much like how unborn babies are symbiotic with their mothers we felt all that Source felt and didn’t know where Source started or where we ended because of the all-pervading Oneness we felt in our connection with Source.
The Cosmic womb state is very similar to the human womb state in the sense that everything we want is provided for, we’re warm, connected, nurtured, nourished, and there’s also no need for clothes. It’s paradise, the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden is a spiritual metaphor for this womb state. The problem with wombs however is that they are liminal spaces, they are only meant to be used temporarily and if we look at the human womb then we see that the fetus at some point outgrows the womb space and needs to be expelled from the womb (birthed) in order to survive and continue to grow into who it is meant to be.
A cosmic womb is never-ending, so space itself isn’t the issue. What becomes the problem on a Soul path level is that the womb state is an infant state, you cannot mature or reach your full potential in the womb state and because we are all the Universe or the Divine experiencing itself, we have to be expelled from the Cosmic womb state as well. The story described in the Garden of Eden is the story of this process, it describes our experience in the Cosmic womb as Heaven on Earth, it describes our innate thirst and hunger for growth and it describes us being expelled from the Cosmic womb to experience life in the physical.
In Genesis 3:21 we read “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” if we read this from an esoteric perspective, we understand that the ‘garments of skin’ refer to the physical body.
Obviously, the Garden of Eden story is understood as the origin of our original sin in our current society, but what is interesting is that from a psychological standpoint as we will discuss later on in this Soul Teaching our split from Source holds the ultimate original wound. Our own interpretations of what it meant to be split from Source and what it says about who we are as a result of this split, come very close to the human negative interpretations of the story of the Garden of Eden and the blame that is put on Adam and Eve for being expelled from this place of Heaven on Earth which was in fact not a physical location but a state of consciousness.
Why we split from Source
If we stay in the Garden of Eden analogy then eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is to know duality. As it is clearly stated in Genesis, God only created good and although mankind was in Paradise and in union with God – this was an unconscious union or a default state, there wasn’t any other flavor out there except union and good.
In order to exercise our free will, we were given the opportunity to experience duality and therefore choose to be One with God of our own free will.
As soon as Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they had a change in consciousness (separation) which changed their perception of reality – leading them to experience shame, cold, rejection, abandonment, and the wrath of God. Until that moment they had only known unconditional love, good, warmth, care, protection, nurturing, and so on…
The death that eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would bring was the karmic cycles of death and rebirth that humanity would go through before choosing to become One with the Divine again, but now of their own free will. This time it would be a consciously chosen union, when before it was a default or unconscious choice.
As souls, we were meant to go through the process of death and rebirth as we travel through time and space to discover our own Divinity and return to who we truly are as God/Goddess incarnated.
Eating the forbidden fruit shifted us into separation consciousness, the objective of our soul’s journey throughout our different lifetimes is to return to Oneness and unity consciousness, which allows us back into the Heaven on Earth experience when we realize that all the rest was an illusion. Our souls are immortal beings, that cannot be born or die, only our human form can return back to dust – our avatar in the Divine game of life.
To actualize our God-like potential we had to leave the Cosmic womb state and embark on this journey of cutting through the illusion of what we are not (or what the Divine is not) to be able to fully embody our Soul blueprint in the physical.
It’s important to note that no one pushed us, tricked us, or otherwise made us partake in the Divine incarnation game, seeing it that way has been part of the illusion. As one client saw it in our Soul Embodiment® Therapy session, we made the conscious decision to play the incarnation game when we were still in this state of Oneness with Source and all that is. However, like many things that we thought to be great decisions at the time (and that probably were) living the reality of that decision can be a completely different story that we feel we wouldn’t have signed up for if we had known in advance. But just think of those times in your current life and you will recognize that these were moments of immense growth.
How we experienced our split from Source
Although we chose to come and play the incarnation game, the actual split from Source was very traumatic for each of us in our own way. Nothing prepared us for being on the other side of that Oneness, for becoming two separate things instead of the one that we were before. Like human infants, we blamed ourselves and assigned a negative meaning to our experience that created our trauma filter and how we would from there on interpret life and our place in it.
How we interpreted our split from Source
The first thing we did was misinterpret what it meant in our relationship with the Divine to be split from Source. Rather than see it as the symbolic birth that it was, we created a false story around it that we started to live as our truth. This is what Christianity refers to as the ‘original sin’, but it is actually our original wound. The word “sin”, as it appears in the Bible, comes from the Greek word Hamartia or the Hebrew word Hata, which both mean “to miss the mark” or “flawed”. Missing the mark means ‘to fail’ or ‘be wrong’. And that’s exactly what we did when we misinterpreted (assigned a negative meaning to) our split from Source.
It’s that misinterpretation that created a certain pattern of wounding (the original wound) that we still play out in our lives today. In this way, the original wound is the original sin because it is based on a flawed interpretation of our experience. Our original wound is one or multiple of the below misinterpretations:
Abandonment – Grief
Rejection – Shame
Responsibility – Blame
Punishment – Guilt
Outcast – Humiliation
Discarded – Disgust
Betrayal – Devastation
Depending on how we interpreted our split from Source we created a false story based on one or more wrong interpretations of what it meant to be split from Source and the associated emotions around it that got stuck in our energy field. In fact, you are still carrying this false belief and stuck emotions with you today covered to various degrees with other stuck emotions and misinterpretations you accumulated in the process of trying to heal the original wound that started it all.
This is where it gets interesting because we could then easily turn around and say well we were stupid to do this, but even that would be a misinterpretation because we used trauma to densify our energy field from light beings into physical beings.
We did not come out of the Cosmic womb in human form, it actually took us eons and eons to densify our energy body sufficiently to be able to take physical form which didn’t take place until the Atlantean era when we first took human form as we know it today. Our misinterpretation and the false beliefs it created set the stage to be able to densify our energy sufficiently to be able to take human form. This makes sense because if we look at the scale of emotional frequencies we see that the energies most associated with trauma are the densest vibrational frequencies, i.e. anger, fear, grief, apathy, guilt, blame, and shame as charted by Dr. David R. Hawkins.
What we made our split from Source experience mean about ourselves
Not only did we create false stories about what it meant to be split from Source, but we also created false stories about what the split from Source said about us. These false interpretations created our core beliefs about ourselves, which you probably perhaps recognize from your current life childhood as well. This is because, since the split from Source, you have been predisposed to recreate experiences that correspond to what you FALSELY believe to be the truth about yourself.
This is your ultimate SHADOW of shadows, your deepest pain because you told yourself that because you believed to be abandoned, rejected, responsible, punished, outcast, discarded, or betrayed by the Divine it must mean that…..
I’m not worthy
I’m not good enough
I’m bad
I don’t belong
I’m not lovable
I’m not safe
If you are a psychiatrist, psychologist, healer, or therapist reading this, you will recognize this as the core beliefs that lie at the heart of your client’s wounding. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept of core beliefs: ‘Core beliefs are basic beliefs about ourselves, other people, and the world we live in. They are the things we hold to be absolute truths deep down, underneath all our “surface” thoughts. Essentially, core beliefs determine how you perceive and interpret the world. They sit in the basement of your mind and are (thought to be*) created in our current life childhood.’ Source: * added by me
From a Soul path perspective, however, which is the framework that I work with in Soul Embodiment® Therapy our core beliefs are created in our ‘Cosmic’ childhood through our split from Source experience and what we made this mean about the other (the Divine) and ourselves.
Our psychological patterns and subconscious programming
Our human process actually mimics our Soul process, in which even though we have always existed and always will on a Soul level we were ‘born’ out of the Cosmic womb to play the incarnation game and have throughout the different eras of our Soul journey and human incarnation process grown from a baby to a child, to a teenager, into a young adult, etc.
Just like children hardwired to blame themselves when abused by their parents, on a Soul path level we do the same thing – we blame ourselves for the Split from Source.
Much like children need to feel they control something, feeling cut off from Source (even when only an illusion) on a Soul path level we grab to the same survival mechanisms. Because blaming the caregiver for the child’s abuse undercuts their belief that their perpetrators will provide for them, they tell themselves they are to blame. By blaming themselves, they maintain the internal belief that they somehow control what is happening even though they do not. These internal messages of self-blame manifest later in life as feelings of not being lovable or good enough (see list above). It’s the same process, with the same outcome except it happens on a Soul path level setting the tone for all future embodiments.
Although contemporary psychology sees the origin of our trauma as created in our current lifetime childhood experiences and perhaps even in our in-utero experiences or trauma passed on through our ancestral lineages, the true origin of our trauma is created on a Soul path level in our Cosmic ‘childhood’ years. We then take that existing trauma on a Soul path level and bring it into each current incarnation through for example ancestral wounding and childhood trauma that is meant to retrigger our Soul path wounding so that we can heal it this time around.
Having replayed this original wounding and evolutions of it throughout lifetimes and lifetimes in an attempt to heal it, the continuous repetition has created deeply engrained psychological patterns and subconscious programming that we carry with us from lifetime to lifetime. In Sanskrit, these are called samskaras which are past life mental impressions, recollections, or psychological imprints.
According to various schools of Indian philosophy, every action, intent, or preparation by an individual leaves a samskara (impression, impact, imprint) in the deeper structure of the person’s mind. These impressions then await volitional fruition in that individual’s future, in the form of hidden expectations, circumstances, or a subconscious sense of self-worth. These Samskaras manifest as tendencies, karmic impulses, subliminal impressions, habitual potencies, or innate dispositions. In ancient Indian texts, the theory of Samskara explains how and why human beings remember things and the effect that memories have on people’s suffering, happiness, and contentment. Source: Wikipedia
How we are still healing our split from Source
We have been trying to heal this wound since the beginning of ‘time’ (since we split from Source) and have brought it into each consecutive lifetime in an attempt to heal it once and for all. The problem however has been that rather than recognize it as an existing wound that we are trying to heal this time around, we instead saw it as a new painful experience (unjustly) happening to us that created a new false story, false belief, and false perception which over time became a false identification of the self.
There are two dynamics at play here that have made it difficult to see what is really going on aside from the fact that we aren’t generally consciously aware of our unresolved past life past – in many cases, we simply couldn’t see the connection between then and now. The first dynamic at play is the snowball effect, we have a first very benign experience (split from Source) that we interpreted as something that it actually wasn’t and it’s that interpretation that made the split from Source so painful.
We then bring that pain into the next lifetime and play it out in a different experience that is somewhat related to the original pain, but creates a new different story and new pain on top of it. We keep going in wanting to heal the pain we carry, but we end up just accumulating more trauma and pain.
It makes no sense, why would we be so dense, right? Well, it does make sense when you realize that we not only used trauma but needed it to densify our energy field to transform from light beings into physical beings. We could have not taken physical form without it. In this way, there was a snowball effect that accumulated more and more pain and trauma that we have been working to release over lifetimes and lifetimes, peeling it down layer by layer.
We needed trauma to descend and now through healing trauma we are on the ascending arc of the incarnation process on our way back to Oneness and unity consciousness, to become One again with all that is – but this time of our own free will.
The second dynamic at play is like the telephone or the Chinese Whispers game, it’s where a thing starts as one thing and then morphs into another. We probably all played this game as children, the child at the beginning of the line whispers a word into the next child’s ear, and by the time the word has reached the last child who says it out loud, everyone laughs because the original word has morphed into something completely different although it probably still has some connection or resemblance to the original word. This is exactly what happens with the original wound as well, it morphs into something else still connected or related in some way but seemingly a different story than the original story of being split from Source.
We all have such false stories, false beliefs, and false identifications playing out in our lives today that were actually attempts to heal the original wound that was created when we split from Source. Soul Embodiment® Therapy is a unique healing modality that helps us find these false stories, false beliefs, and false self-identifications that we created on a Soul path level. Healing them allows us to not only live more Soul aligned lives in the here and now, addressing our subconscious wounds and pain in a way no other healing modality does because we access the real root cause on a Soul path level, but it also clears out such patterns for our future embodiments and changes the course of our lineage for those that come after us as our children, grandchildren and beyond.
Soul Embodiment® Therapy is the most comprehensive healing modality available to us at this time to heal our Soul path wounding as it doesn’t focus on individual past lives but on the connection between past lives also in relationship to our ancestral lineage wounding and current life trauma. We look for the repeating patterns across multiple lifetimes and timelines to find the original wounding that created them, and although the split from Source is the wound underneath all wounding, it created not just one but multiple lifetime lineages of repetitive wounding as we tried to heal the root cause of our pain. In order to heal the split from Source wound, we have to see and understand how all of these patterns were in fact not only connected but created by the split from Source wound.
I am being shown the image of the microbe emoji ???? where the split from Source wound and all the patterns that it creates (the nucleus and its different protrusions) in an attempt to heal itself becomes a pathogen that infects our belief system on a Soul path level. This specific belief system (way of seeing the world and ourselves) and the stuck accumulated emotions from the original wound and its evolutions become the attraction point in each and every incarnation for the people, situations, and experiences that we need to not only make them conscious but heal them this time around. The only way to interrupt this process and have it fall away on its own is by shifting your healing work to the Soul path level where all of this wounding originated in the first place.
I pray this Soul Teaching on the split from Source and the wounding it creates helps you in your healing process and on your Soul path journey back to the Oneness that is your Divine nature. The next Soul Teaching in this series will be on our galactic embodiments and what we as Earthlings consider off-planet lifetimes, which was the next evolution within our Soul path journey after we split from Source. As long before we were human beings we were galactic beings and star people often still roaming the galaxy as light beings rather than having a physical humanoid form. These are all our so-called off-planet lifetimes on planets like Orion, Sirius, Andromeda, etc.
Ready To Take Your Manifesting To The Soul Level?
The key to unlocking your Heaven on Earth is healing on a Soul path level.
Everything you want is only being blocked by your subconscious Soul path wounding. The reason why so many people fail to create the life and the reality that they dream of is because their subconscious false beliefs and Soul path wounds are holding them back.
I am here to help you unlock your Next Uplevel in Wholeness, Love, Money & Business and unapologetically embody the truth of who you are while you’re at it!
Do you want a quick check-in just to see where you could come into deeper alignment with your Soul and your Divine Plan? Book a Soul Alignment Session
Do you want to explore your Soul Path history and heal on a Soul Path level?
Book a Soul Embodiment® Therapy session with Sabriyé Dubrie to find the psychological patterns, subconscious programming, and false self-identifications that are keeping you from creating the life and reality you dream of.
With my deepest love,
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