Stories of Radical Transformation…
People are talking…
My clients have a lot to say about the Soul work we do together.
Because I have so many testimonials, we have grouped and organized them for you. Simply click on the buttons below to access the reviews under that category.
Soul Embodiment® Therapy
What clients say about the Soul Embodiment® Therapy Sessions
“… we did a session to release blocks on money, … and I more than doubled my income.”
Business Owner
“I wanted to send you a huge Thank You for the work that you do. I have followed you and your journey for several years, initially drawn to the concept of the Twin Flame journey. However, as my journey evolved, I found myself transitioning towards a deeper exploration of self. Your journey served as a catalyst for my own, prompting me to embark on a path of self-discovery and healing instead of staying in the TF journey knowing my TF is not my person but a beacon to move out of the mud I was dwelling in.
Having worked with numerous healers in the past and being an Usui Reiki master myself, I thought I had experienced the extent of healing modalities. Yet, it was through our sessions that I truly felt the tangible release of old wounds. Your ability to facilitate such powerful shifts is unparalleled, and I’ve experienced some of the most profound transformations in your care. Even those around me have noticed the remarkable changes in how I speak and react, a testament to the depth of healing you facilitate.
One of the most remarkable aspects of your work is your unwavering commitment to guiding me through the barriers and resistance towards healing. Your gentle yet steadfast energy provided me with the support I needed to navigate my journey, while allowing me the autonomy to explore and heal at my own pace. From delving into the origins of my wounds to guiding me towards profound self-discovery, every session with you has been a journey of immense growth and healing.
We went all the way back to the split from Source in one of our sessions, and I remember I was almost entirely speechless in awe as to the depth of healing. Your highly gifted, connected, and incredible skills in guiding through a session, combined with your steadfast energy, have provided me with some of the most powerful shifts I have ever experienced.
I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have worked with you and to continue learning through your School of Soul Embodiment. Your wisdom, compassion, and dedication to healing are truly gifts to those fortunate enough to encounter them. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone on their healing journey to take the leap and experience the profound transformation that comes with your guidance.
As I continue to integrate the profound work we’ve done together, I find solace in knowing that I am safe and supported. Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for your tireless efforts in guiding others towards healing and self-discovery. It is indeed a journey not for the faint of heart, but one that is undeniably worth every step. To anyone reading this unsure on booking, DO IT!!!!”
Cami Bell, United Kingdom
“The sessions with Sabriye are literally mind blowing.
There are no words to describe them. You are literally transported into a stream of your lives. And you feel everything as if it’s real.
In an ocean of healers.
She’s the true magician.”
Margo Bobrowicz, United Kingdomm
“A few months ago, I contacted Sabriyé and asked her to help me with my blocks around money as I had run out of all the ways to intellectually approach it and realized that the help I needed had to be of a different kind.
I did a Soul Embodiment Therapy session with her which to be quite honest, felt a little surreal at the time. During the session I wasn’t entirely sure that I wasn’t making the past lives up but the changes that have manifested in my life since then have been profound. I had no idea that past life work could be this powerful.
It’s hard to describe exactly what has happened but I’ve been able to let go of a lot of the pain I had surrounding my father. He has treated me very harshly since I was a child and this has greatly affected my sense of self, my self-worth, and my ability to look after myself financially.
In our session, I saw that my father had been my brother in a past life and I had had a terrible experience with him. Somehow, in being able to return to this, my life is in the process of changing and I am growing a real personal freedom. My financial situation is beginning to change after twenty years of being deeply stuck and the future looks different.
Only yesterday a situation occurred where my father did something that would have floored me in the past. However, it didn’t, I acknowledged the pain, shed a quiet tear, and let it wash away – almost as if my attachment to the story had dissipated.
I can only attribute this shift to the work I did with Sabriyé which was the catharsis for this transformation within myself and for that, I am very grateful. I would have no hesitation in recommending her to help you to connect the dots.”
Catherine R., United Kingdom
“Soul Embodiment Therapy (SET) has helped me in three profound ways. First of all, in my personal healing journey, where I struggled with unresolved trauma. Looking back, I was a typical example of the rigid inner feminine archetype even though I presented as very feminine, much of my behavior was more masculine. This caused internal struggles within myself, but also with the outside world, which often didn’t understand me. The sessions I did with Sabriyé helped me heal my own unresolved trauma. I also learned that the experiences in my current life are connected to my past lives. That current life trauma is an entry point to healing our deeper trauma beyond this lifetime, where we can access the root cause of all our trauma.
Healing my own trauma helped me personally, but also professionally. This is the second way that SET has been and continues to be valuable to me. As a Master Coach, I no longer get triggered by my own stuff, this allows me to be a much clearer mirror for my coachees. I have become so much more effective as a coach.
The third way that SET has helped me is that during my coaching sessions, I started to recognize the unresolved trauma that my clients are carrying. As a coach, we can’t address this trauma that is interfering in the client’s life, because there are limits to coaching. However, as a SET therapist, I can work with any upcoming trauma that presents itself in my sessions with clients and I now combine my coaching with the SET method. Of course, always with my client’s consent. SET is an enrichment of my life, both personally as well as professionally.”
Titia de Vries, the Netherlands
“I’m not big on testimonials.
Vastly, because I’m freakishly selective about who I share my energy with and I’m a very private person keeping my personal life hermetically closed from sharing.
So when the moment comes that I decide to engage in energetic work and open myself up to someone, it is utterly special.
And this incredible woman is my go to energy worker.
Sabriyé Dubrie’s past life regressions have such an incredible depth to them.
Her handling of the psychological aspects of the process is remarkable, which for me carries an ultra important meaning as I have worked in psychiatric field for many years.
The emotions I felt, the tears I cried and the profoundness of the experience during Sabriye’s healing sessions is enormous.
I travelled to the depths of my soul I’d rather keep unpacked and unseen.
Yet, she safely and graciously navigated them like a true alchemist.
Thank you for being there for me when I walked through an deep pain.
And thank you for bringing me hope, new perspective, and relief my soul yearned for.”
Margo Bobrowicz, United Kingdomited Kingdom
“I’ve worked with Sabriyé in a group setting before, but this was the first time facing my past life demons one-on-one with her. Although we did a Money Blocks session, I found it fascinating how multi-faceted the lifetimes were, and the underlying pattern connecting them all. I felt very supported throughout the session, especially because I was extremely worried I won’t be able to access my Soul records. I love how Sabriyé is committed to getting her clients to access the original wound, even if it takes A LOT of time to get there. And the best part is she literally senses where you are energetically and mentally during the session, and can guide you even deeper into what needs to be seen/felt/known. After the session, I immediately felt very calm, like a mental fog was energetically lifted. I noticed I’m much more open to receiving abundance in many different contexts, and I can’t wait to see what’s next once I’ve fully integrated everything linked to what came up in the session. ”
Simona, N. Macedonia
“…I was SHOCKED at the past lives she was able to help me tap into. …she gave me practical advice, as well as an affirmation to help release the blockage.
Not only she did illuminate subconscious wounding I had no idea was there, but she gave me practical advice, as well as affirmation to help release the blockage.”
Katie, United States
“Hello Sabriyé
I know I have talked to you since our last Soul record clearing (we had coaching session instead) and told you that since going to the past life where I was dismembered and didn’t care I died I now feel whole! Before I kept telling myself I’m not whole and I had no idea where that thought was coming from So that’s huge!”
Courtney, Canada
“I don’t know if you remember we did a session for that to release blocks on money. Yesterday I was going through my profit and loss statement and I more than doubled my income.”
Miroslava D., United States
“… Sabriyé is an amazing healer. I loved my Soul Embodiment® Therapy sessions with her. I saw improvements in my business and relationships thanks to the work we did.”
Multi 7 figure Healer & founder HeartHealing®
“I’ve worked with Sabriyé over the past 4 years. She is compassionate, supportive and incredibly patient. She understands the healing process and the blocks we place in front of us.
She helps you gain your power back by working on yourself. Healing those wounds you never thought existed. She helps you remember that you can create your reality as long as you’re willing to do the unpleasant dirty work of healing the depths of our soul that desperately wants to remain hidden. I am grateful for the role she has played in my journey. ❤️”
Courtney Chard, Canada
“I seriously recommend working with Sabriyé if you’re ready for a life change. This level of healing is for people who truly want to get to the root of long-standing issues in their life. Before working with her I couldn’t figure out why my life wasn’t working despite working so hard on all aspects. I was constantly trying to “think more positively”, or create my life through the ”Law of Attraction” but wouldn’t get sustainable results- things would work out for a bit but then fall apart. This led me to do her VIP package- she helped me uncover and release so many deep layers of trauma that have kept me in self-sabotaging cycles and in “survival mode”. I now see that I was creating my life from a “trauma-based” perspective which led to some devastating circumstances.
Working with Sabriyé is not a typical session – her insights are SERIOUSLY brilliant and she connects patterns in a way that I’ve never seen before (and I’ve worked with quite a few people). I love her dedication– she doesn’t stop until we get to the root cause (which has taken me hours at times). I’m more present, feel clearer, and more peaceful. I’m much more in touch with who I am on a soul level. While I have had some exciting external changes (money, relationships), the biggest change has been how I am showing up in the world. I can’t recommend her enough!!!”
Renee, United States
“Sabriyé is a very gifted healer who leads you to yourself and your ability to find answers and heal your self-wounds from past life’s and current timelines.
In my mind blowing session, I went back to my original wound of separation from God in the garden of Eden, fear of misuse of power and money when I was an Egyptian God in Egypt, fear of using my spiritual gifts when I was a witch/shaman in a previous life where I feared that I would die and lose my kids, and fear of overwhelm from using my spiritual gifts when I was a Spiritual healer and ran away from my gifts because I was overwhelmed and burned out by the responsibilities. I healed my past and present self of the distorted beliefs and all the above soul path wounds, so I can move on and be the best version of myself.
Since my session I feel so much lighter and at peace. I have had prophetic dreams, increased third eye and intuition awareness, released money blocks and won my daughter’s case in court to get her the services she needs with no lawyer fees. I have also noticed an increase in self-esteem and self-worth, so I can finally put myself first instead of last. This is the beginning of a new start and soul journey and I am so grateful.”
Natalie Penn, United States
“… Sabriyé is an amazing healer. I loved my Soul Embodiment® Therapy sessions with her. I saw improvements in my business and relationships thanks to the work we did.
It was the first time I had really gone deep into past lives and I was not disappointed. It was very powerful work that allowed me to heal my incarnation wound and other deep wounds that all made so much sense in terms of the patterns coming up in my life today.”
Natasha Leigh Bray, United Kingdom
“My house was on the market for almost a year after my divorce and all of our money was tied up in the house. After many promising showings with no offers since September 2017 we were at a loss and couldn’t figure out the problem. I was in dire money straights and was in a pretty anxious situation.
My intention for the session was to clear money blocks. We had an amazing session filled with revelations about the situations that had left me holding negative beliefs about money. I worked through it and cleared some really deep wounding and released a lot of negativity.
I felt awesome that day after the session but the most amazing thing was that on that VERY afternoon I had a CASH OFFER on the house and it was SOLD!”
Ann, USA
Soul Embodiment Therapy session with Sabriyé a month ago. She took me through about 8 past lives where I had been constantly stuck in “victim” mode.
Sabriyé helped me stick with it, till we got back to the original wound, where as a ruler (a “young queen”) I had taken the advice of my advisors and made a decision that caused many people to die (of hunger during a famine; when there were scarce resources and I had to choose how the food was allocated).
This has played out even in my current lifetime where I have been in victim mode (in drama triangles)
I have been an over-giver. Very often giving to other people of my time, energy, and funnily enough always wanting to feed people (I’m a good cook!) but obviously, the root was much deeper.
It’s been a month since the healing session.
My boyfriend had showed up twice before in past lives; literally as my knight in shining armour. Funnily enough, not long after the session (he did not even know the content of the healing) he said, I want to protect you and be your Prince Charming.
I’ve also managed to maintain my boundaries and actually remove friends from my life who were maintaining the drama triangle and keeping me in victim mode; either by rescuing me or persecuting me.
Also, I had a huge problem with being responsible (given my original wound) where responsibility had felt unsafe.
I’ve forced myself to do things like my tax return early. Taking the action and responsibility has definitely led to shifts in my life financially. I am starting to feel cash flow slowly trickling in, where before I had huge money blocks.
The biggest blessing has been my relationship which has been going from strength to strength. By cutting out the outside “Chorus of disapproval” from so-called friends, who all had an opinion. We have been able to grow both as individuals and as a couple.”
Anonymous, France
“As an adult, when I began dating, a 3rd party would always be an issue in one way or the other. This is something we cleared during the session, and I am THRILLED to say that WE NIPPED IT IN THE BUD!
Exactly 10 days ago my twin flame broke up with the woman that had been an obstacle for lifetimes!! Looking at the situation in 3D, it seemed impossible for this relationship to dissolve: He had blocked me on Gchat and Facebook, they had been travelling together all summer, she had been introduced to his family and were set to travel with all his friends to this woman’s country to meet her family for New Year’s, etc. Regardless, I held on to faith knowing that this woman’s presence was simply a creation of the massive fear and insecurity I carried at the moment; that just as I had created that situation, and that within me was the power to dissolve it once and for all through bringing light to this area. The relationship literally dissolved overnight!!!”
Mariel, United States
“My mind has been blown open! After working with Sabriyé, I not only worked through the mental blocks that were holding me back from achieving some of the outcomes I had in visioned in my life, but with her new method soul clarity, it helped illuminate the path that I am meant to pursue. I couldn’t be more excited for the next part of my journey! Thank you Sabriyé for helping me realize my soul power and bringing it back to life!”
Lauren Maniere, United States
“Sabriyé is a deeply gifted healer. As someone who does deep work with clients myself, I’m particular who I work with personally. She helped me find a core wound that I couldn’t get to, which gave me the extra confidence and clarity I needed and was looking for. Thank you Sabriyé!”
Tracy Y. Transformational Guide + Business Advisores
“Hi Sabriyé,
I just wanted to share with you that after our call I left my relationship. I told Sam how I felt. I flew to see him in October after not seeing each other for 7 years. December he proposed to me and we eloped. We are planning a real wedding for this summer. Thank you for your services and for helping to set me free. I will always appreciate you.”
Danielle, United States
“I feel much more confident in myself and my ability to have success and wealth. I have signed FOUR new clients and I know that more are on the way.
When I met Sabriyé, I was struggling with getting paying clients. I had launched my business almost a year ago and had very few paying clients. Not only was this affecting me financially, it also made me question my skills as a healer and an entrepreneur. I wondered if I was ever going to be able to help people and if I could have a successful business.”
Cathy Bellanca, United States
“I have worked with other healers and having one session with Sabriyé was the equivalent of 8-10 sessions with someone else.”
Medical Doctor
“It has been just over two weeks since our work together and I feel the process is not yet complete.
But I have had some massive changes taking place right now that I want to share.
Immediately after our session, I stopped taking responsibility that was not mine, I noticed it the next day at work.
I feel more feminine and happy in my body. I wear more feminine clothes and receive more compliments from my partner.
I am more relaxed and it’s like a deep internal shift took place where some things don’t feel right anymore, like me working so much and my partner not having a job.
This was the reason I booked this session in the first place. But the change is more internal now, like it just doesn’t fit and the pressure is gone. I am also in the process of changing my job at the moment.
I knew many of these things before with my mind, but only after our session have I seen this become my reality.
Thank you Sabriyé.”
Andrea, Germany
“I just had my second Soul Embodiment® Therapy with Sabriyé last week . I initially was hesitant to book any sessions / packages with Sabriyé due to the cost but let me tell you IT IS WELL WORTH IT ! I have worked with other healers and having one session with her was the equivalent of 8-10 sessions with someone else.
Renee B., United States
“Sabriye – our session was massive!
With your help I was finally able to access and heal my false beliefs around abandonment, trust, power and love.
The deep sense of calm I now feel is so encompassing and delicious that I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure it’s not all a dream!
Thank You again this has been life changing.”
Ali x
“Thanks for the incredibly deep session yesterday! Your sessions are truly memorable. I’ve done multiple past life healing and energy healing since i started my TF journey three years ago (at least twice per month and regular meditations), your sessions are so profound, It really feels like the other healers are merely scratching the surface! Each session with you goes to the core of the wounding and trauma, and feels like I’ve done months worth of regular energy healing and past life healing with other healers. ”
Michelle, United States
“Interestingly, 3 of the past lives we visited had taken place in Egypt. Magically after resolving the past lives from Egypt, within several hours I received the opportunity to be part of a special spiritual retreat in Egypt. It was so unexpected as I shared with Sabriyé right after our session how I would have loved to attend the retreat, then within a few hours later the opportunity to be a part of the aforementioned retreat immediately presented itself. The work with Sabriyé is very powerful and personal.”
Chi Pham, United Stateses
“I have actually had two past life regressions with Sabriyé, so I already was familiar with the value of what she does. In my journey, I had hit a wall for some time now, where I felt extremely depressed and that I didn’t want to go on. I’ve always carried victim consciousness around mostly unsuccessful relationships with men, and as a result of that, has caused me to feel ‘defective’ like something is wrong with me. In addition, the feeling of shame was a common emotional trigger along my ascension journey. I decided to have a session with Sabriyé to get to the root of the problem. Initially I wasn’t sure if a past life regression would fix my issue – as I had no idea why I was feeling this way – but I ended up deciding to have a session with Sabriyé.
What was revealed in this session was amazing.
We were able to go into a past life in the Middle Ages where – I guess you could say – I was a victimizer and did shameful things to a family member. I had also disowned the shame around what I had done and blamed others for the consequences of my own actions. During the reading, I was being very judgemental of my past life behaviour, to the point where I was not even trying to understand why I did these things (as self judgement is something I still struggle with), but then we went deeper into that life and saw that I was victimized as a child by a religious figure – which in turn I became a victimizer, due to the lack of understanding of the effects of child abuse – from society and my family at that time.
Seeing this past life I was able to make the connection between the wound of shame created in this life and how it plays out in my current life:
No masculine protection (wounded masculine) in my current life.
Aversion and distrust of male religious figures.
Feeling like an outsider in my family, alienated
Shame around sex, my body and so many other things.
Always having felt my whole life like there is something wrong with me.
I know that it takes time for the energies to work through to manifest in your current life….but one thing I noticed right away was that I was no longer feeling like I was ‘defective’ or something was wrong with me – even though I’ve felt this way most of my life. I no longer feel like I don’t want to go on, and my creative passions are slowly starting to reawaken.
One session with Sabriyé is the equivalent of probably 10 or more sessions with another healer. Doing these past life sessions are never easy but I have never regretted working with her. If you are serious about your healing, be brave, make the investment, and don’t be afraid to face your shadow. There is no other way around it.
As one of my favorite spiritual mediums always says, “From the heart of the darkness, is born the light.”
Shelly R., Canada
“We got to the root of me doubting myself and it was healed in that one session.”
I enjoyed working with Sabriyé. In our first session she guided me calmly and handled my extreme self questioning with ease. I have felt more confidence in my self and my abilities since, and I no longer question myself. I have had, and will have, more sessions with Sabriyé. There is such value in her, and her work, and I highly recommend.”
Dannielle Jones, United Kingdom
“Hi Sabriyé, After my initial Soul Embodiment Therapy session on twin flames at the beginning of March, I did a 1 hour repeat session on abundance at the end of March, with the aim of manifesting more money into my life. The day after my repeat session, my Mom told me that she had some money she wanted to start giving me to put in savings for myself, and she proceeded to hand me $1000, cash — with that money, I received a full return on all of the money I spent on energy clearings. At the end of that first week after the 1 hour repeat session, my boss at my part-time job, speculated that I could be full-time eventually.
By the end of the second week, my Mom had given me another $1000, cash, to add to my Savings account and with that money I was able to pay off over $2000 in credit card debt all in one go that I had been trying to pay off for the past 4 years.”
Jay, United States
“I did a session with @sabriyedubrie when I was at the start of my journey. That session really opened up my interest in energy healing work and Soul records clearing. Been doing those ever since! I highly recommend a session with Sabriyé. One of the past lives that came through in my session was so profoundly deep that it took me months to understand. I’m still clearing from that lifetime. There are other healers out there that do past life work BUT Sabriyé really goes deep, especially if you are on the Twin Flame journey. I also want to add that I go to many different healers, but in the Twin Flame world, my session with her (I also had a consultation with her) truly propelled me forward on my journey. Truly, truly worth the investment. ”
Michelle, United States
“I have a dark past. When I finally hit the lowest point in my life, Sabriyé’s warmth and loving guidance helped illuminate those parts of me that needed healing and granted me the courage to transform stale energy into vibrant love. After a few months of intensive inner work, my twin was back in my arms. If you are struggling to navigate through pain, place your trust in a session with her.”
Dory, United States
“Sabriyédubrie I can’t thank you enough totally mind blowing the interconnectedness of it all, and how all my past lives connect to my present and the obstacles and blocks that I have tried many times to shift using different modalities damn. In one session it all makes so such sense and cleared in that session I wish I had done it sooner rather than just watching from the sidelines waiting. I must have been ready. I understand myself. I love it, why I do what I do, and why I don’t do what I want to do. Thank you so much Amazing lady. Honestly, it was worth it.
I so love that I was a witch, I have always been drawn to it, wow!”
Michelle Smart, Australia
“I am still processing that but wow…made even more connections to my present life as I was walking around….
And 10 minutes after we hung up, I got a text from S. First time we’ve been in touch in a month”
Anonymous, United States
Soulology Sessions
What clients say about my Soulology & Mastermind sessions
“In my session, we have found a pattern of being less worthy as a woman. I have worked 3 weekends in a row and I don’t have the feeling anymore that I cannot do it as a woman.
I am feeling taken care of financially, after a huge payment I thought I would have a minus on my account. But then I received back payments for returned items and a big surprise – my yearly tax refund! I expected it to be a little lower and definitely not so soon.
Our Etsy shop also has much more movement now! I am looking forward to how things will grow for me now as it is just over 2 weeks. Thank you Sabriyé!”
Andrea, Germany
“Just wanted to share that I just had an extremely beautiful session experience.
Sabriyé helped me as we did some Deep Diving together. 😇 We could access a past life version of me where I was a corsair pirate(man) and dying with my wrecked ship filled with treasures. It was very deep rememberance that would have been quite difficult to access by myself.
I have been able to feel and heal an ancient money block wound related to feeling abandoned and punished by the Divine because of a story that was playing on my subconscious level for loving a man in that past life.
I felt shameful as I had strong Christian beliefs there. The forbidden love and my beliefs were conflicting. Sabriyé helped clear those inner conflicts and I realised that I have been blocking myself to receive Divine love and Divine abundance.
Sabriyé guided me to heal the stuck emotions and cleared the limiting beliefs and then, finally, it felt liberating. I could feel the love of the Divine coming in which was always there and that I could not feel into. Divine love that was emanating from our session is really something that I haven’t ever experienced on this earthly plane.
Really recommending Sabriyé for Deep Soul Healing.”
Aneesa, Mauritius
“Thank You Sabriyé for my recent Soulology session. Within the space of an hour, you helped me unpack trauma and identify my Soul wound of powerlessness.
Reflecting on this I now see how every area of my life is affected by this wound – self-belief, relationships, career, finances, etc.
I’m so looking forward to our upcoming Soul Embodiment® Therapy session so that I can begin a new empowered chapter in my life. Bring it on!”
Ali B., Australia
“Sometimes you have most of the pieces to a puzzle but you just aren’t sure how they all fit together. In my Soulology session with Sabriyé, we were able to put those pieces together and add the last few to make the puzzle complete.
In one session through our conversation and connecting with my higher self we were able to make sense of a pattern that seemed like one thing on the surface but went so deep that it took me back to the actual point of when it started at the very beginning of my incarnation into this life.
Putting those last couple of puzzle pieces in place and seeing the whole picture had me dropping my jaw open. Thank you Sabriyé for your patience, wisdom, and guidance to facilitate my coming full circle back to myself today. Love Bridget”
Bridget Schuch, United States
“Sabriyé’s mastermind on Manifesting Miracles was amazing. I’ve read her guidance on manifestation before but going through the process with her help really clarified the roles of action and inaction and how to find and heal the trauma and wounding that relates to my manifestation.
But more importantly, I left her mastermind with a more profound understanding of what my soul wants for me. In some ways it was almost like an ongoing Soul Embodiment® Therapy session for the level of depth we went to and worked through over the 8 weeks. And even though an old trauma that I’ve already worked on so much came up again in this class, Sabriyé helped me make some new, important breakthroughs that will bring me to the next level of healing on it.
It was fantastic to see results on my manifestation even before the class finished, and continuing afterward as well. The group setting was also mutually supportive of our processes and a great way to connect with people on the same journey. Highly recommend this mastermind if you want to take the next step in understanding and bringing in your soul desires. ”
Brittaney I., United States
“I had a Mini Soulology Session with Sabriyé the other day and it went above and beyond my expectations.
I actually am very picky and discerning these days about who I allow to guide me in healing journeys, and what modalities I use.
Working with Sabriye felt like I was talking to a friend. Her energy made it easy to feel comfortable and safe in opening up, which in turn helped her guide me into seeing the picture of what has been going on under the surface much more clearly.
I could tell that she really was committed in assisting me with what I brought to that session.
There are very few people I have worked with where I can say that I have felt significant transformations, she is one of these few.
I can tell that there has been a significant movement of stuck energy, I have more awareness about the roots of the situation, and a tremendous amount of healing has taken place.
I am so grateful and look forward to working with her again in the future.”
Corina LaVonne, United States
“Thank you so much for this, just amazing! I feel a clarity that I haven’t felt before, I feel happy knowing I’m moving forward even though there are still unknowns, the fear has lifted!
I just finished the session for Soulology. I just have this confident and committed sense of purpose now, much more clarity than I had before. As the session went on I described what I liked, what I wanted to do, and what I thought I was meant to do.
We discussed things from way back in my childhood, what is blocking me, what is stopping me, all these things in order to get the bigger picture of what is taking place in my life. Then I talked about my current situation, what is lying before us (my husband and kids), what we had been thinking about doing, where we wanted to move, etc.
She’s so insightful, asking these questions where I thought, yes, that’s it! That’s the deeper thing going on, bullseye! OR she said, you say this but do you think it may really be this and she was never wrong.
She showed me all these ways that the universe has opened for me in my life right now and has really confirmed what needs to be done and taking the steps to get where we want to go. This was such a great experience for me, exactly what I needed. Thank you and so much love from my heart to yours! ????????
Melissa Meyer, United States
Sacred Retreats
What my guests say about joining me on retreats to sacred locations worldwide
“Healing is an art. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes love.
I have been healing myself for years and have ‘cleared’ a lot of old pain from both this life and past lives. Some of it I did with Sabriyé using the Soul records. It’s nice that she also put me on the trail of other healers, who, just like her, are able to make contact on a soul level and who also stand firmly on the earth.
All of this came together beautifully in the retreat in May 2022. A group of fellow souls so that the energy became strong together, an ‘à la carte menu’ of recommended healers and working on my two intentions in one week. In a week’s time I have achieved more than, say, in two years. And I’m still simmering, I can feel the changes in my system taking place. When I look in the mirror, I see that reflected in my physical appearance.
Addition after two months: something fundamental has changed in my working method as a coach and supervisor. I now know how to connect soul-to-soul, which has shortened my sessions by 50% with a more profound and lasting effect. In addition, a long-lasting conflict at my (part-time) work has been resolved without me having done anything noticeable. My ‘being’ has fundamentally changed.”
Titia de Vries, Netherlands
“The Deep Soul Dive Ibiza retreat was a fantastic and amazing experience. Sabriyé Dubrie and the team of wonderful healers helped me a lot in dealing with childhood traumas that I was not aware of and that were affecting my life. But also acceptance and self-love, which I didn’t have a lot of. This retreat helped me to grow and have more confidence in who I really am and trust my inner soul.
I am not there yet, I will continue on this journey in healing subconscious wounding, and being that loving and kind person that is inside of me. Thank you so much Sabriyé for organizing this retreat, you are amazing and of course, the team of loving and truly professional healers, thank you!”
Maria Farinella, Netherlands
“After meeting my twin and having my life turned upside down instantly, I felt lost. I was obsessed with finding an answer and couldn’t rest until I knew more about my experience.
That’s when I came across Sabriyé’s articles online. I was instantly drawn to her ability to speak her truth and so eloquently make sense of what I was experiencing. Once I saw she was organizing a spiritual retreat in Ibiza, I knew I had to attend.
The whole retreat experience was SO much more amazing than I had ever expected. I loved having the whole week to do my inner work and focus on my growth without the external distractions of life. It was such a benefit because each healer I worked with had their own unique incite and by midweek, I started to understand some common themes in my life.
Sabriyé, all of the healers, and our retreat group were the most understanding, supportive, and wonderful people I could have hoped to meet. I feel blessed to have had this experience and highly recommend it to anyone wanting to take a step forward in their journey.”
Lauren Maniere, United States
“I have just left the week long retreat created by Sabriyé in Ibiza. It was truly life changing for me. Sabriyé gathered together a group of talented and powerful healers with whom I worked. Hearing each of them repeat to me the same wisdom cemented in me the knowledge of my future path. In my final session, Sabriyé herself took me into my Soul records to release trauma that had initiated the pain of lifetimes. Thank you, Sabriyé, for this opportunity. I’m eternally grateful. ”
Patricia Campion, United States
“I attended retreats in both Ibiza and India. Sabriyé curated a warm, loving, nurturing environment for me to confront the circumstances leading to a victim mindset and take ownership of my life. It gave me the resolve and courage to take the actions needed to resolve a painful relationship situation after I returned home. The magical energy of Es Vedra on the island of Ibiza is something I will never forget. Much love to you Sabriyé. I have learned so much from you and my life is changed forever. ”
Lisa S., United States
“I’m finally ready to write my testimonial about the Deep Dive Ibiza retreat. The most epic experience I have ever had. It took two years to come to the island to meet these beautiful souls but it was worth it.
The last 4 years were rough, as a lot of us called it a rollercoaster. I finally was ready to make a change, it was time to do some intense healing, leave the old and start the new. The healers have helped me, each in their own way, to heal the wounds that needed to be healed ?. I could never have done that on my own!
It takes time for me to feel the full extent of the healing. A week isn’t enough and I’m still in the process! But I can already say that my life will never be the same again. The retreat helped me to open my heart to receiving. And…I got the best reward ever!
I am ready to fulfill my wishes. Do the things I always wanted. Already started horseriding. One of many things on my bucket list. Travelling the world! Next trip is planned and the ticket has been bought. I’m ready to start this adventure and dive deep! Trusting the universe will support and have my back.
Thank you beautiful souls that I got the opportunity to meet you. The most special group of people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You are all a big part of my journey!
I want to thank two people in particular. First one knows! The second one is Sabriyé. I am grateful for your commitment, support and organizing this retreat. It took a lot of effort, but I am thankful that you made it happen!
Lots of love!”
Mirjam Dekker, Netherlands
I want to express my eternal gratitude for all I’ve learned from you. Because of this, I’ve physically reunited with my twin after almost a year of being blocked from all contact.
I purchased the complete union package because I thought, if I was going to do this, I needed to be all in. After our first Soul Embodiment® Therapy, I saw that I had a deep fear of loss and need for my twin to reassure me and protect me from that. This became clearer in our second session, and on the retreat, where the deep sessions with you and the other healers made it abundantly obvious that I needed to step into my power and own my own life and happiness. When I finally was able to do that, my twin came back into my life.”
Lisa, United States
“With Sabriyé’s session huge shifts happened. At the India retreat Sabriyé facilitated our session had such amazing healing beyond what i ever thought it would be. After returning from the retreat even more shifts happened, I was finally able to speak to my dad (who I do business with) and not feel afraid to tell him exactly what I think. We have breakfast together on Saturdays, we speak more often, he agrees with the way I want to do things, this is so unbelievable. It is just incredible how Sabriyé’s sessions can bring such a great impact on my life.”
Miroslava D., United States
“I had the fortune to attend Sabriyé’s TF Retreat at Ibiza in 2018
Key highlights
– 6 healers offered different unique processes, each acting as potent medicine
– Accomodation, meals & logistics were mindfully organised & meticulously executed
– Powerful Transmission both during the Opening & Closing Circle took place
The opening circle was about intention setting, orientation. And the closing circle helped in integration & grounding
It was a comprehensive Retreat where inner wholeness, balance & home coming was the key!
The focus at all times was “self development’ n bringing back all the lost energy back to one’s core!
Myths got busted, higher truth of the Ascension journey was revealed & my life expanded, exponentially post that!
Huge Gratitude to Sabriyé & her Divine team of Lightworkers!”
Sheetal R Ahuja, India
“It’s truly hard to describe the extent to which my life was transformed by my experience at the Ibiza Deep Dive Retreat. Doing sessions, sometimes multiple a day, back to back revealed deeper truths more quickly than I could do this type of work at home on my own. Each session played off of the previous allowing me to truly get to the root of what was ready to be seen, healed, and released. I came home embodying more of who I am at a soul level. This transformation was so deep that I actually noticed a physical change in my appearance. My light was shining so bright from within that I was glowing on the outside. Person after person has commented since I have returned, they also can see and feel the difference in me. After six really challenging but rewarding years of doing this work, the retreat was the catalyst that gave me the final push I needed. Since being home I have continued the work but it has taken on a new meaning and a new level of growth is now being spurred because of my time at the retreat. While in Ibiza I met the most wonderful soul-aligned people and felt the most love and authentic support I have ever felt in my life. I am beyond grateful for how the Universe brought me together with exactly the right people at exactly the right time.”
Bridget Schuch, United States