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The Metaphysical Meaning of UTIs, BV, Yeast Infection & Streptococcus Infections

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Sabriyé Dubrie

As a mystic Sabriyé taps into the collective wisdom on a Soul Path level that she shares through the Soul Teachings. These teachings serve to stir the remembrance of your own Soul Wisdom. Never miss a new Soul Teaching again by signing up for our newsletter.

A deep dive into the metaphysical meanings of…

This blog is part of a three-blog series on healing (recurring) Urine Tract Infections and co-infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast infections as well as Streptococcus Infections (including Strep B – GBS) holistically.

After struggling with a recurring UTI caused mainly by Streptococcus agalactiae for six months with a diagnosed Strep B BV and Yeast co-infection I had to dive deep into how to heal myself physically, as well as mentally, emotionally, and vibrationally.

In this three-blog series, I share what has helped me heal myself and what I learned about recurrent UTIs, BV, Yeast infections, and Streptococcus along the way.

If you are interested in the spiritual meaning of a UTI or rUTIs and how they could tie into your Spiritual and Kundalini awakening read part I of this blog series.

In part II of this blog series, we will look at the metaphysical meaning of these four different types of infections and what they are trying to help you heal on a mental, emotional & vibrational level.

When we think of metaphysical or psychological meanings of symptoms and diseases we often automatically think of Louise Hay and her book ‘You can heal your life‘. That book certainly started off my healing journey in the 1990s, but since then I have found much more profound resources that help you understand the deeper underlying causes of your physical ailments.

I for example own the Dutch and English version (which I use with clients) of Christiane Beerlandt’s book ‘The Key to Self Liberation: 1000 Diseases And Their Psychological Origins‘. It’s having grown accustomed to these more extensive and in-depth explanations that prompted me to keep searching for the underlying causes of these four types of infections I was dealing with.

This blog is a compilation of some of the information I found that resonated.

The metaphysical meaning of Streptococcus

Initially, I couldn’t find any good resources on the metaphysical meaning of Streptococcus that was until I stumbled on the lifework of German homeopathic doctor Andreas Tilch.

He is revolutionizing the homeopathic community with his knowledge (and clinical experience) of the remedy Streptococcinum and the Streptococcus pyogenes (Tilch C5) remedy that was created at his request by UK Homeopathic pharmacy Helios. This homeopathic remedy is a more potent version of the pre-existing Streptococcinum.

Here is an excerpt from Andreas Tilch’s work:

‘If we now take Streptococcinum, then the parts that have been split off as unacceptable are set in motion. If we use another remedy, such as Pulsatilla, we also go into resonance with parts from the Not I area, but the deepest, most unpleasant, and most pressurizing shadows, we reach with Streptococcinum the most deeply locked away deprived children.

Streptococci are not wanted by anyone, no one wants to live in symbiosis with them, everyone wants to kick them out, whether with antibiotics or natural means, but in the end, they should be gone. Everyone agrees on that. This part of us that we do not want to live in symbiosis with is what emerges in us after the administration of Streptococcinum. Not just individually in individual people, we experience that this is our collective, common operating system. Each of us has these caged, tightly squeezed deprived parts that we do not want to acknowledge.

Streptococcinum takes away our fear of these split-off parts in the long run and then we come into contact with them. Sometimes what then comes up is very welcome, but sometimes it is not. This can easily be misinterpreted by classical homoeopaths as a clinical test (proofing). Being trained as homeopaths, we know that a certain remedy can cure certain symptoms because it can also produce the symptoms in question.

So there is the idea that we can develop Streptococcinum poisoning symptoms and that it will harm us if we continue with it. But as has been shown after treating more than 1500 patients, the opposite is true with the new C5-triturated Strept-Tilch. In combination with transformative life experiences induced by StrepTilch, the continued intake of suitable potencies (C5 trituration) turns completely unacceptable shadow sides into redeemed qualities during the course of a development process.’ Source: www.paracelsus-magazin.ch

As you can see in the part that I made bold:

Streptococci help us face our deepest shadows, the parts of ourselves that we do not want to acknowledge or live in symbiosis with.

I believe that part of the reason why I was able to go through such a deep spiritual metamorphosis and face my deepest most painful memories and shadows is because I was using this remedy first in the untriturated form (the old Streptococcinum) and later the Strep-Tilch C5 triturated form where I worked my way up from C40 to currently 7.78 M which is one level beneath the highest potency.

You have to start low to first purify lingering subconscious trauma before you can take the higher potencies that also resonate at higher frequencies. The remedy does much more than only help us reclaim our disowned parts, especially spiritually as it helps us raise our vibrational frequency from fear to unity consciousness and more.

I recommend going to Andreas’s website for more information and to fully understand the power of this homeopathic remedy.

Emotional and metaphysical meanings of UTIs, BV & Yeast infections

As said before Louise Hay doesn’t really go deep enough for me, although she is a great starting point for people wanting to understand the emotional or metaphysical reasons behind their physical discomforts or diseases. I looked up the various infections I had in Christiane Beerlandt’s book ‘The Key to Self-Liberation’ but she didn’t have anything relevant on bacterial vaginosis or Streptococcus infections.

So I went online and found these excepts from Michael J. Lincoln, Ph.D.’s ‘Messages from the Body – Their Psychological Meaning’ which I found really interesting as well. Especially because healing my own patriarchal wounds which he lists as an underlying cause coincided with the timeperiod where I had the rUTIs, BV and Yeast infection.

Giving a voice to your inner child’s emotions

A recurring theme that I read and heard everywhere from women who had healed chronic UTIs, BV and Yeast infections was that they had done it by facing their repressed inner child memories and emotions, which I found also presenting itself in my healing process.

In the end, my inner child showed me what she had endured and that it was not only my father who was abusing me but also two of his friends. It was one of the most difficult and painful memories I had to face in my whole healing journey.

Even as an adult, I found it very difficult to see this monstrous side of my father as if he had been Dr. Jeckyll and Mr.Hyde at that time and allowed his own shadow side to overtake him. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for me as a young child to experience these two sides of him that were so each other’s complete opposites and unlike the man he was later on in life.

The father of my early childhood was not the father he was in my teens and although he was obviously not perfect, he was no longer the abusive man he was when I was young neither physically nor sexually. You could almost say that I was raised by two different fathers, one who failed terribly in every way when I was young and the other who did his best and did a pretty good job despite his own baggage that he was carrying with him.

Metaphysical Meaning of UTIs, rUTIs & Cystitis

Whether you are suffering a Urine infection, a bladder infection (cystitis) or you seem to have a UTI membership (recurring infections) the information below can help you understand what the deeper underlying metaphysical or psychological cause is of your symptoms.

You can use these Bach Flowers when dealing with a UTI or rUTIs; Walnut, Agrimony, Gorse, Star of Bethlehem, Olive, Heather, and Cherry Plum 

If you are struggling with shame, blame, or guilt you can switch out the Olive (mental & physical exhaustion) or Gorse (hoplessness) which are more for rUTIs with Pine. If you struggle with feeling victimized or forgiving then you can switch out the earlier mentioned one or two with Willow.

From Messages from the Body

“Downloading time.” There is a need to get rid of something in their life — they are desperately trying to clear the toxic things, situations and people out of their life. They feel the necessity for the release of pressure. However, their lack of self-love makes this a quite difficult undertaking. They come from a severely dysfunctional family who held them accountable for all their misery.

“Abandonment-anticipation.” They have a strong underlying abandonment-anxiety and a resulting tendency to dependent attachment and to vulnerability-avoidance at the same time their experience has to suppress resentment over vulnerability and abandonment-anticipation. They also have the feeling that their need for love is unfulfilled and unfulfillable, with the result that they are prone to depression. They have a fair amount of guilt and grief, arising from a severely suppressive and non-supportive childhood.

“Cope-ability-anxious.” They have a lack of self-confidence, and they feel insufficient to the cause. They feel tired, and that they are “running on empty.” There is poor endurance and a considerable amount of inner agitation and irritation. There is very little basic trust that things are going to go well for them, and they are deeply unhappy.

“It is a pattern that got started in a rigidly denial-dominated and bitter dysfunctional family who would systematically see to it that anything they got would be destroyed or removed, out of a generalized envy and alarm reaction to the individual’s (to them) incomprehensible capabilities and potentialities. They intended to “keep ‘em around the old homestead” as their “private preserve” and their “whipping kid.”

“Ethical problems.” They are having deep conflicts about their ability to manifest their values and priorities. It arises from a non-comprehending, dysfunctional, incompetencing, belittling and/or accusatory family. “Royally pissed off.” They are thoroughly enraged at their life, and they don’t trust the Universe one iota. They are full of resentment, blame and angry emotions, and they feel betrayed. They are looking for who is responsible for all their troubles, trials, and tribulations.

“Much of their venom is directed at their intimates, especially those of the other gender. They feel that the parent of the other gender is the cause of all their problems. However, underneath all this is the uneasy feeling that they are really just getting their “just desserts.” This whole pattern came about as a result of their being sexualized and sex-ploitated in a seductive-destructive “tantalizing tarantula” — “seduce-slap” and accusatory manner.”

From the Key to Self-Liberation

‘A struggle at the level of your feelings. Cold and hard.

You hold things in like a silence before the storm. You don’t allow your feelings to flow freely, no matter how heated they are. You cut yourself off from your feelings. You don’t really live from out of your feeling core, you are immobile in the sense that you don’t allow your emotions to move freely, to evolve.

You are like still water. Unconscious, suppressed feelings are looking for a way out. You don’t even express your anger, because this feeling immediately confronts you with yourself. You don’t allow yourself to express your aggression, because you don’t trust the emotional processes of life. You don’t dare to surrender to yourself.

You can’t really get any further in life because you constantly block your anger, your powerful emotions. You nail yourself to the ground, on the spot; you don’t go forward or backward. You can take out these frustrations on a partner, in aggressive conflict, in anger, because they might hinder you from being happy, but this is a fallacy, of course: it is you who doesn’t give yourself a free, happy life.

Free yourself from the straightjacket in which you have strangled yourself. Now freely open yourself to all spontaneous emotional processes in yourself. Live freely the way you feel and don’t hide inside a house with thick stone walls.

Chase away the coldness in yourself; allow joy and warmth into existence.’

What resonated most for me was this excerpt from a Dutch blog:

‘Do you feel safe to the bone? Do you have a deep trust that everything always works out? Or is there still a little child deep inside you who is afraid of the “monsters under her bed”? For example, are you afraid of death, are you afraid of not having enough money, or do you fear for your safety on the streets? Bladder infection and other symptoms in that area are always related to some existence fear, conscious or unconscious. For example, if your mother was often afraid when you were in her womb, you may have unconsciously adopted that fear and still carry it with you. Negative sexual experiences also often turn out to be a cause of fundamental feelings of insecurity and bladder problems.’ Source: avaloncoaching.nl

Are your home & appliances trying to tell you something?

As an interesting side story while I was having all these recurring UTIs I was having a lot of water and blocked pipe issues in my home. Not only did the toilet block two times, so did the kitchen sink.

After that, the washing machine started to spontaneously leak water as did the dishwasher. We had a mechanic come to the house to fix both, the washing machine had a loose water cable that was put back on and the dishwasher seemed to be okay only to flood the kitchen a couple more times. The dishwasher pump turned out to be broken and needed to be fixed, while the next day the washing machine instead of leaking water would now stop mid-cycle with loads of water still inside that it couldn’t pump out. This time it was the filter that was clogged and I unclogged it myself but of course first I had to get all of the stuck water out of the machine.

While our washing machine was not working, we were able to use one of our neighbors and even that machine started flooding out of nowhere when we used it! Water is the element of emotions and our home and appliances seemed to be mirroring both the excess of emotions flooding us as well as the emotions that were getting stuck that we desperately were trying to release.

All of this water shedding and water not being able to pass through happened in the month of August when I was doing my deepest inner work around facing my deepest past life, ancestral and inner child pain.

My mother lives with us and also for her, this was a deeply emotional time because of how betrayed she felt by my father and the friends of my father of which one was a Gestalt therapist whom she considered her friend as well. She felt enraged, betrayed, and helpless because she had not been able to either see it or prevent it from happening.

It was actually a blessing for us both to be able to process this together because it gave my mother the opportunity to do what she had not been able to do when it happened because it had been so well hidden. This was very healing for my mother and helped her feel less helpless. At the same time, it allowed my inner child to receive the love and protection of my mother now that she had found out which was very healing for me.

Metaphysical Meaning of BV

Christiane Beerlandt did not have an explanation of the psychological meaning behind BV only of vaginismus which is not the same thing. Instead, I have added the descriptions from Messages from the Body that also don’t really address it that well but could give you some indication, including white discharge which can be a symptom of BV.

Bacterial Vaginosis also tends to come with an unpleasant (fishy or musty) odor that is hard to miss. This often leads to women feeling unclean, which if that is the case you could use the Bach Flower Crab Apple to help you in your process. For BV I would use the Bach Flowers; Walnut, Crab Apple, Chestnut Bud, Agrimony, Cherry Plum, Pine & Willow to help heal the underlying causes.

From Messages from the Body – Vaginal problems

“Self-rejection.” She has many worries over not being good enough, along with self-denigration and self-disgust. She doesn’t trust her feminine receptivity, and she won’t surrender to herself. She also has a fear of sex and sexual desire, along with a fear of procreativity and vulnerability. It is the result of an intrusively controlling, sex-ploitative, and “never enough” withholding and judgmental father.

“Tripod-rage.” They have an intense urge to kick anything with three legs. It was generated originally by an equally misanthropic mother, but re-validated by an abusive and sex-ploitative father and by the patriarchal culture.

Messages from the Body – Painful Vaginal Spasms; Vaginismus; Vaginitis

“Womb-rage.” They have intense anger at the whole business of being a female. There is a goodly amount of “tripod-rage” (an intense urge to kick anything with three legs) directed at the whole patriarchy, but particularly towards their mate. But bottom line, it is reflective of a severe self-rejection and self-punishment coming out of sexual guilt. They are the product of a femininity-devaluing patriarchal family.

“I don’t cut it.” They have worries over not being good enough, along with self-denigration and self-disgust. They don’t trust their feminine receptivity. They also have a fear of sex and sexual desire, along with a fear of procreativity and vulnerability. It is the result of an intrusively controlling, sex-ploitative, and “never good enough” withholding and judgmental father.

Messages from the Body – Vaginal white discharge

“Tripod-rage.” She is full of the irresistible urge to kick anything with three legs, and of patriarchy-paranoia. She believes that women are oppressed by the other gender to such a degree that they end up being powerless with them. This may well translate into rage at her spouse. It can also be accompanied by a co-opting rejection of the feminine. It was originally infused by her furiously frustrated mother, and it was later revalidated by her father and other patriarchal manifestations. It is, however, the product of a dysfunctional family system, the larger societal realities notwithstanding.”

Metaphysical Spiritual Meaning of Yeast Infection (vaginal)

For yeast infections, you can use the following Bach Flower Heather, this is the perfect remedy for inner child work paired with Willow, Walnut, Rock Water, Chicory & Agrimony. These Bach Flowers will help you work on the underlying themes listed below which are thought to lie at the root cause of your yeast infection.

From Messages from the Body

“Me last!” They are a “serve-aholic” co-dependent who is denying of their own needs and who is not supporting themselves. They feel that they don’t deserve love, that they have to “earn” it, and they therefore lack self-love.

They feel that they have to “serve themselves up on a platter” to get the “God Housekeeping Seal of Approval” that never comes. They were put on highly conditional and demanding love by their enmeshed and possessive but ambivalent mother.

“Self-rejection.” They feel that there is something “bad, wrong and evil” about them. They are therefore incapable of accepting or providing support for themselves, and they are unable to own or manifest their personal power. They are the product of a denigrating family who undermined their competence and confidence.

“Tripod-rage.” There is a considerable amount of the irresistible urge to kick anything with three legs, and of patriarchy-paranoia, which they carefully repress and suppress. They come from a highly exploitative, patriarchal and oppressive/suppressive family.”

From the Key to Self-Liberation

‘You feel incapable, “seized”, and left behind – as a woman you feel hurt, mostly in a love relationship, possibly sexually.

It’s really about the bottling-up of your own natural energies, instead of daring to fully experience yourself in self-aware action!

You don’t really dare to come into contact with your deepest core, don’t believe in it enough. 

You might show a friendly face to others; you might give in to things that disgust you; you don’t really stand up for yourself – but inwardly things are starting to bubble and gnaw away.

You feel like you are being seized by the neck; sands piles up inside you. You force yourself again and again instead of truly living from within your own center.

Emotions and suppressed creative energies overflow – you can’t handle it anymore; it becomes too much for you. 

Do you feel too small, too inferior, like a rag? And do you therefore spinelessly allow yourself to be treated so? 

Become aware of your worth as a human being and call upon the self-protecting forces deep inside you. 

Don’t lock yourself up; allow creativity – and especially feelings – to flow through; they will confront you with your core. Dare to voice yourself completely, and don’t do anything you don’t want to do. 

Others will respect you only if you first acknowledge your value. Now, come to full development of yourself, and don’t direct your life first of all toward your partner; if you take care of your happiness, then your surroundings will undergo the necessary changes for the good of all.’

How to use the suggested Bach Flowers

If you choose to use the Bach Flowers, you can mix two drops of each remedy in a 34oz or 1L water bottle. Shake it with the bottle closed and then drink in small sips throughout the day. Make a new bottle every morning. Bach Flowers are very powerful, yet work very gently on your subconscious and have proven to be very effective in my work with clients.

It is important to follow the instructions closely and use the exact amount of water I have specified and the exact amount of drops from the Bach Flower remedy bottles. Having the Bach Flowers premixed by someone else is not the same dosage and will not get you the same results.

I pray that this second resource on healing (r)UTIs, Bacterial Vaginosis & Yeast infections, or Streptococcus infections in general helps you in addressing the underlying metaphysical and psychological causes of your afflictions.

If you need help with pinpointing the underlying themes playing out in your individual process book a Soulology session to get the clarity you seek.

Have you struggled with UTIs, BV, Yeast, or Streptococcus infections? Do the above metaphysical and psychological meanings resonate for you? Let me know in the comments.

If you know of other resources that could help our community heal these afflictions, please feel free to share them in the comments as well.

With my deepest love,
