Featured in the Linda: Why More Women Are Opting For Celibacy In Between Relationships Including Myself….

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Sabriyé Dubrie

As a mystic Sabriyé taps into the collective wisdom on a Soul Path level that she shares through the Soul Teachings. These teachings serve to stir the remembrance of your own Soul Wisdom. Never miss a new Soul Teaching again by signing up for our newsletter.

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Celibacy is becoming a bigger trend among men and particularly amongst women, especially among men and women who want to live more conscious lives and are on a self-development journey. I was interviewed on this topic for the Dutch site Linda.nl.

I am one of those women and I know that many of my clients, readers, and friends (also on social media) are living a celibate lifestyle in between relationships.

For me, it started ten years ago after I had met the love of my life (Twin Flame) and desperately wanted to be with him. I remember realizing that asking the Universe to be with the love of my life and then fooling around with another guy was not going to get me what I was asking for.

I am no longer a huge Law of Attraction fan, but of course, when it comes to manifesting your desires your actions have to be aligned with the thing you are asking for. You cannot ask for true love and then do with crumbs, while you wait for true love to magically come your way.

When that relationship didn’t manifest I continued to stay celibate for the next five years until I met someone that I genuinely did love and who loved me. We weren’t compatible but are still dear friends even though he is married now.

The last time I was in a relationship was three and a half years ago and also since then, I have remained celibate, simply because over the years I have realized that if there isn’t a real connection it isn’t worth my time and energy.

Instead, I have used these past ten years to heal myself and my relationship patterns to the extent that I am actually able to not only have but give the love that I have been seeking within my relationships. This, of course, meant healing my childhood wounds around love that were a result of the incest by my father.

Especially the last couple of weeks, have brought massive breakthroughs in healing the survival and protection mechanisms I created as a little girl around this experience. Deeply disowned childhood pain that was blocking my heart chakra is being released.

I was interviewed about my celibacy and this increasing trend among women for the Dutch site Linda.nl, because I work with primarily women I have researched this topic a lot and have worked with many women on their relationships as well as intimacy wounding. I have seen firsthand how taking the time to heal yourself cannot only improve current relationships but also call in healthier partners and more loving experiences of intimacy.

When asked by the journalist what celibacy has brought me I had to admit that it not only saved me a lot of relationship drama and trying to make something out of nothing, but it also allowed me to channel all that energy otherwise lost into the things that are important to me and becoming the version of myself that can give and receive true love.

With my deepest love,
