Giving back

We want to be a force of good in the world

Giving back is an important part of our business model. We want to be a force of good in the world, not only through what we put out in content, products, services but also through spending actual $$$ on projects and initiatives that touch our heart.

Initiatives that touch our heart.

Current ongoing initiatives:

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Educating people on sexual abuse, child sex trafficking, and child sex slavery through Elizabeth is herself a survivor of abduction and sex enslavement as a child. The sexual exploitation of children is the biggest pandemic of our time. A truly enlightened society does not prey on their most vulnerable, but protects and nurtures them.

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Planting trees, reforesting rain forests worldwide through Planting trees is one of the most important ways that we can reverse climate change, and leave this world a better place for our children and grandchildren.

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Empowering women and girls through literacy and knowledge around the world is what is needed to end child marriages, sex trafficking, and other forms of female exploitation. We are helping 1000 tribal girls in rural India be able to go to school with custom-designed school kits that contain a school uniform, bag, books, and other school supplies that their parents otherwise couldn’t afford.

Spending actual $$$ on projects & initiatives

Previous projects:


Empowering female entrepreneurship

Micro-credits to female owned businesses in third world countries through As empowering female entrepreneurship reduces poverty.

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Feeding hundreds of migrant worker families

Groceries packets for poor people in India who lost their jobs due to Covid-19 lockdown through This project helped feed hundreds of migrant worker families and Hindu illegal immigrants from Pakistan.

Improving female health conditions

Building toilets for women and girls in India through Building toilets in India for women and girls is a proven strategy to reduce sexual violence and improve female health conditions.

This is how we show up in the world

The 7 spiritual guiding principles of our company


1. We love to go deep

we don’t believe in superficial solutions or quick fixes. No spiritual bypassing. We love to go deep and really face what needs to be faced so that it can be released once and for all. All our products and services are built on this principle.

2. We say it like it is

the truth does not need to be prefaced, we are committed to being truthful with ourselves and others because we can only uncover the truth of who we are when we honor truth itself.

3. We are here to change the world

by becoming who we are meant to be and shining the light of our Divinity, we automatically give others permission to do the same. This creates an unstoppable ripple effect into the world, we are here to lead a Divine revolution.

4. We shift paradigms

we are dedicated to supporting as many people as possible shift paradigms from the old paradigm into the new paradigm of living Heaven on Earth and to embody your true eternal and sovereign Divine being.

5. We have got your back

all our recommendations are made with the intention to serve the highest good of everyone involved. If we feel something isn’t a vibrational match we will say it. We do not work with commissions on for example recommended healers or affiliate programs, when we recommend something or someone it is because we genuinely believe it will serve you in the highest way possible.

6. We love you

you help us create meaningful change in the world by shining your Divine light bright. We’re deeply committed to customer happiness, responding to chats or emails, and working non-stop to make sure you feel valued, respected, and seen as the Divine being that you are.

7. We are committed to our own growth and healing

the deeper we venture ourselves into our own journeys, the deeper we can assist you. We regularly update our content based on new insights and higher levels of understanding attained. Our alumni School of Soul Embodiment students always get all future updates for free.

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The Inner Healing Circle

The Online Community For The Spiritual 1% Ready to Dive Deep Into Their Subconscious to Unlock the Frequency of​ Heaven on Earth.

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Be The Change!

Get Instant Free Access to revolutionary teachings on psychology sourced from the soul to help us heal the wounded ego and reclaim our wholeness both on a soul path as well as a current incarnation level. The Inner Healing Circle offers you New Paradigm Spiritual teachings on Healing the subconscious, Soul Embodiment, Ascension, 5D or Heaven on Earth, Past Lives, Law of Attraction, Soul Partnerships, and more!​

It doesn’t matter if you identify with being a Spiritual seeker, Lightworker, Starseed, Twin Soul or Flame, Soulmate, Lightbearer, Goddess, Queen, Wild Woman, or none of the above. The Inner Healing Circle is for everyone, who wants to manifest Heaven on Earth (5D) as their physical reality.

Sabriyé Akasha Quantum Soul Healing

Ready to Unlock Heaven on Earth?

Experience the powerful transformation of Soul Embodiment® Therapy. Dive deep into your subconscious mind and past lives to release the lifelong psychological patterns and subconscious programming that have been holding you back. Discover how your experiences on a soul path level are connected to both your childhood and ancestral lineages. Soul Embodiment® Therapy helps you find and heal the root cause of your issues in often as little as one single session.

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to Soul Embodiment

Have you tried everything else to manifest the life of your dreams, but failed? This is because your conscious and your subconscious were not on the same page.

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