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Soul Embodiment & Mastery Oracle

Your soul is all-knowing and all-seeing, it has the answer to all your questions in a way nobody else has. It is your inner Guru here to lead you home. This oracle deck helps you connect to the inner wisdom you carry deep inside, to guide you on your path of Soul embodiment & Soul mastery. You are here to be, do, and have it all!

You can use this page to pick a card anytime you feel you need a message from your Soul. Just follow the steps outlined below for instantaneous spot-on soul guidance.

Pick A Card And Ask Your Soul For Guidance

Receive a Message From Your Soul in Three Easy Steps


Ready to Finally Have It All?

Soul Embodiment® Therapy

Do you want more love, money, success, happiness, health and soul alignment? Book a session with Sabriyé to remove the subconscious blocks that are keeping you from having the life & business that is yours by Divine Right!

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What clients say about working with me

“Sabriyé was able to take me to depths of healing no one else has reached.”

— Laura Mullis


“A single session with Sabriyé is the equivalent of 8-10 sessions with other healers I have worked with.”


Medical Doctor

“We got to the root of me doubting myself and it was healed in that ONE session.”


Self-Love Coach & Therapist

The Soul Embodiment & Mastery Oracle is an oracle deck with 108 soul-led messages to guide you on your path of Soul embodiment and Soul mastery. Each message helps you come into deeper soul alignment and Divine Order in all areas of your life.

The beautiful higher dimensional oracle messages are based on the Soul Teachings and are offered to guide you in your Soul embodiment & Soul mastery process, through healing the separation between your ego and your soul that was created on a Soul path level.

Each card helps you heal a deeper layer of separation and helps you to connect deeper with your soul self.

The more you get the ego and the soul on the same page, the deeper you unlock all that is yours by Divine Right in life, love, money, relationships & more.

About the author
Sabriyé Dubrie is a bestselling author, mystic, and the founder of Soul Embodiment® Therapy. 

She is a pioneer in the healing industry bringing about a paradigm shift in how we understand trauma and how trauma created on a Soul path level still subconsciously impacts us today in our current life experiences.
