Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness. The missing piece however in most teachings is undoing our patriarchal conditioning and...

Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness. The missing piece however in most teachings is undoing our patriarchal conditioning and...

Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness. The missing piece however in most teachings is undoing our patriarchal conditioning and...

Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

Healing the Masculine & Feminine Seri ...

There is great interest these days in balancing our inner masculine and feminine parts, to for example attract the right partner or unlock higher levels of spiritual consciousness. The missing piece however in most teachings is undoing our patriarchal conditioning and...

Soul Path Series: Part I - Our Split From  ...

Soul Path Series: Part I - Our Split From ...

The Soul Path series is an eight-article series by Sabriyé Dubrie of Soul Teachings on the origin of our Soul path 'birth' and our evolution into the (human) incarnation experience. The teachings shared are gleaned from my own healing journey on a Soul path level and...

Soul Path Series: Part III - Our Lifetimes ...

Soul Path Series: Part III - Our Lifetimes ...

The Soul Path series is an eight-article series by Sabriyé Dubrie of Soul Teachings on the origin of our Soul path ‘birth’ and our evolution into the (human) incarnation experience. The teachings shared are gleaned from my own healing journey on a Soul path level and...

Soul Path Series: Part IV - Masculine &#03 ...

Soul Path Series: Part IV - Masculine  ...

The Soul Path series is an eight-article series by Sabriyé Dubrie of Soul Teachings on the origin of our Soul path ‘birth’ and our evolution into the (human) incarnation experience. The teachings shared are gleaned from my own healing journey on a Soul path level and...

Soul Path Series: Part V - Atlantis, The S ...

Soul Path Series: Part V - Atlantis, The S ...

The Soul Path series is an eight-article series by Sabriyé Dubrie of Soul Teachings on the origin of our Soul path ‘birth’ and our evolution into the (human) incarnation experience. The teachings shared are gleaned from my own healing journey on a Soul path level and...

Soul Path Series: Part II – Our Galactic Lifetimes and Starseed Origins

by Sabriyé Dubrie

Spiritual author, Multidimensional Healer, Founder of Soul Embodiment® Therapy & the School of Soul Embodiment.

Ultimate Guide to Soul Embodiment

The Soul Path series is an eight-article series by Sabriyé Dubrie of Soul Teachings on the origin of our Soul path ‘birth’ and our evolution into the (human) incarnation experience. The teachings shared are gleaned from my own healing journey on a Soul path level and my experience working with over a thousand clients using the Soul Embodiment® Therapy method. For those interested in learning this method as a therapist, I run a yearly Soul Embodiment® Therapy Certification Program to train therapists worldwide in this revolutionary healing modality.

This is part II, you can read Part I – Our Split From Source And How It Still Impacts Us Today here (click link).

In this Soul teaching on our galactic lifetimes and Starseed origins you will learn:

  • How galactic lifetimes fit into our Soul journey
  • The truth about being a Starseed
  • The Soul path wounding we carry from our galactic lifetimes as Star beings
  • The Soul path wounding we carry as humans from extraterrestrial interactions and encounters
  • And more…

Our galactic lifetimes

Before our Earth lives, even before Atlantis and Lemuria we lived on other planets such as the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Lyra, Mintaka, Maldek, Venus, Vega, and many more including some we probably don’t even remember, or others that no longer exist.

In our galactic lifetimes, we were still closer to our Soul origins and Soul gifts such as telepathy, telekinesis, bilocation, teleportation, shapeshifting, and so on. This is because we were still able to densify into matter and dematerialize at will. We could choose to be disembodied, semi-embodied, and physically embodied because we still had access to our sovereign power on a Soul level.

In this part of our Soul journey and the early years of Lemuria, because timelines always overlap to a certain extent, we went into our next stage of fragmentation. On a Soul level, we are androgynous, our inner masculine and inner feminine in perfect balance and harmony acting as one. It’s in this period that we started splitting off into our masculine and feminine parts within ourselves, which is often seen as the point where Twin Souls were created.

I always find this a tricky concept, because even if this is the case as long as we are in two different bodies with two separate lives – nothing gives us the right to impede on the other person’s sovereignty even if you share the same Soul which is what I witnessed a lot of people use as their rationale to try to control their Twin Soul’s actions and choices when I worked in the Twin Flame industry. To me, that is the antithesis of what the Twin Soul connection is about because as soon as you attempt to control someone and impede on their sovereignty to create their own destiny as they see fit you cannot embody this Divine equality of the feminine and the masculine because you are still trying to subjugate the other to submit them to your will, that is not Soul driven behavior – it’s ego-driven behavior.

It’s this split between the masculine and feminine within ourselves that created the illusion of duality, because with our inner masculine and feminine no longer at one with each other an inner conflict arose that we witnessed being reflected back to us externally. It’s important to remember that this has always been part of the Divine plan, there was no mistake made when we went into a deeper level of fragmentation because we wanted to play the incarnation game and so we needed to densify our energies to be able to take physical form.

As this inner conflict within ourselves grew and grew it became externalized and soon manifested as a galactic war:

‘At the outset, a little over 20 million years ago, the wars started over territory in the constellation of Lyra. But soon the war spread to Orion, and it became a war of mindsets and ideologies. On the one hand, there was a group of mainly humanoid races that was committed to the idea of service to others. On the other hand, there was a mixed group of humanoids and reptilian races that propagated service to self. These were mainly located in the constellations of Draco and Orion. Initially, the philosophy of service to self implied that when everybody takes care of him- or herself, then the whole is taken care of, too. But gradually it changed into service to self, if necessary at the expense of others, which resulted in “victimizers” and “victims.” The victims and their allies, who by now had joined forces in a Federation, started looking upon the victimizers as evil, while they started seeing themselves as good. As a result, the wars got polarised and ended up being wars of duality, even though things didn’t start off like that, at all.’ Source: exopaedia.org

Thus the concept of good and evil was born in the evolution of this conflict, a concept that we before had never even fathomed because all we knew was the Oneness with all that is.

We see the masculine and the feminine viewpoints even in these two camps, the service to others vs. the service to self, we just have to turn to science to see that on a whole ‘females may be more empathic and thus more altruistic than males.‘ Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov When the inner masculine and feminine are one, they balance each other out perfectly. However, out of balance, the inner male becomes domineering, forceful, and disconnected from emotion – he loses access to his inner feminine qualities such as empathy.

We can also see the seeds of patriarchy being planted here when those in the ‘feminine’ camp started to see themselves being victimized by those in the ‘masculine’ camp. Perception is everything on the Soul path journey when the feminine group self-identified as victims this became part of their wounding that they would bring into consecutive lifetimes and experiences.

Our Starseed origin

Before we took human form, we lived on many different planets as different Star beings in our galactic lifetimes. I have seen past lives of my own on Orion and Arcturus, where I saw myself as a Lyran in the Orion lifetime. I have worked with clients who have seen lifetimes on Andromeda, Sirius, the Pleiades for example, and other unnamed planets that were destroyed. I have even worked with clients who described to me the Orion wars that they were able to access as past life memories on a Soul path level.

It’s a beautiful idea that we are a Starseed from a certain planet and that this is our identity, but the truth is that all identifications as Starseeds are false identifications because they were temporary states of being just as any past life experience is. We can have strong attachments to certain planets or to certain identifications with lifetimes as other Star beings (Starseeds), but these are not the truth of who we are. Our Soul path journey didn’t start on other planets, it started at our split from Source, and any lifetimes on other planets even if it would have been the same planet over and over again was an experience on your Soul path journey but is not who you are on a Soul level.

That being said the experiences we had on those planets and in those lifetimes can hold wisdom and gifts from those Star civilizations that we are meant to share in our current life, they certainly hold unresolved pain and trauma that is holding us back and sometimes even hostage in false self-identifications. I had one client who was basically trauma-bonded to a perished planet that had ceased to exist, that she had died on when it was destroyed. The pain of the loss in that lifetime was still holding her back in her current life.

Just like Earth lifetimes, the experiences we had on other planets can linger in our subconscious and still sabotage us today preventing us from moving forward and locking away our Soul gifts that we had access to at that time. Revisiting these experiences can help us release stuck emotions, false beliefs, and false self-identifications created through them. This helps us unlock our Soul wisdom and gifts from those lifetimes.

Up until Ancient Egypt there was still a lot of collaboration and visitation between people from different Star civilizations and Earthlings. It is said that the Lyrans for example, assisted mankind in the start phase of Lemuria and Atlantis which was the start of the human race. The Atlanteans were considered the fourth root race, which according to the Theosophy (H.P. Blavatsky) was the root-race that presented as the first completely human species, since it was during this period that the physical body consolidated and attained its perfection.

At some point during the Ancient Egyptian era, these extraterrestrial connections were severed and the stargates that connected us were closed to allow us to deeply go into our own process. Visitations have still taken place over the eons and eons in between but the conscious collaboration between Earthlings and other Star being civilizations significantly diminished.

Are we all Starseeds?

Like many things in the Spiritual community, the label ‘Starseed’ has become this honor badge that distinguishes us from others. But here’s the thing, being a Starseed has been a part of everyone’s Soul path journey, it’s not something that makes us special or more evolved than others. We all have had galactic lifetimes, nobody just dropped into human form straight from Source because that’s not possible. We have needed the galactic lifetimes to densify from light beings into physical form. That process has been an evolution of its own.

Calling ourselves a Starseed has become a way to fortify the ‘spiritual’ ego, but it’s spiritually not true. If anything, it’s a trap to identify as a Starseed or to think that being a Starseed is something so special that only some people are Starseeds because – our Starseed identity is just like our human identity, not our true self.

I am sure that this is going to ruffle some feathers for those who have deeply bought into this idea, but there are no two ways about it. On a Soul level, we aren’t the beings we were while we were on our Soul path journey. Just as much as our current human form is only temporary, our Starseed form was temporary as well.

Also which Star origin do you pick? The first Star origin I recognized was Orion, but Lyrans are the oldest souls in our galaxy it is believed and then an Arcturian lifetime presented itself so what kind of Starseed am I then? The more you uncover your galactic lifetimes, the more it becomes clear that we don’t have a singular specific Star origin, we have many galactic lifetimes that we carry memories from in our subconscious mind. So, not only is everyone basically a Starseed but we have had many different galactic lifetimes as different Star beings and on different planets within different Star civilizations.

Very similar to many people who have had (high) priest and priestess lifetimes in different eras and within different religions, identifying with that past life aspect of themselves and making this their current life identity is not the point. Just because you were a (high) priest or priestess in a previous lifetime, doesn’t mean you’re a high priest or priestess now even when you have regained access to the to that lifetime-related past life gifts. Identifying as this past life expression of who you are is nothing but a false self-identification. Although it looks great in your marketing, obviously getting stuck in such false self-identities can actually prevent us from being able to experience the truth of who we truly are because we identify so heavily with that specific past life expression of ourselves. The same can be said for identifying as witches or warlocks, etc., or other past-life expressions of ourselves, being a Starseed is just that a past-life expression of ourselves from our galactic past lives.

I realize I am blowing a layer of mesmerizing glitter off of something that felt very magical, but the glitter and magic are illusions that keep you from truly being able to embody the truth of who you are. They don’t serve you, in fact, they are often subconsciously used to mask feelings of inferiority and incompleteness within the self which need to be addressed and not masked to be able to heal them.

The battle of ‘dark’ vs the ‘light’ on a galactic level

There are also a lot of people who are still perceiving this dualistic war being played out on a galactic level, where certain alien races are seen as the dark forces and they see themselves as the light. This perception is of course also influenced by galactic past life memories of the Orion and other galactic wars. Rather than it being the story of God and the angels vs the devil here on Earth, it is now being played out on a galactic level with the reptilians, the Greys, and Annunakis in the role of the bad guys.

That is not to say that there aren’t any aliens that are up to no good, because just like humans there of course are but what is often forgotten is that we are all galactic brothers and sisters and we all came from the same ONE Source. On the highest level, there is only one energy, one Source, one power, and not two. This means that the Reptilians, the Greys, the Anunakis, etc. all came from that one Source as well. There is no other source, we all came from the same place and we are all cut from the same cloth. Everyone is on their path home back to love, including the people that hurt others whether they are humans or another alien race – we are all Star people on the same journey home.

What most people don’t know about the incarnation process is that we have used trauma and needed trauma to densify our energy from light beings into physical beings, duality and playing out the roles of ‘victims’ and ‘victimizers’ were a necessary part of that densification process. When we look at the scale of emotional frequencies by Dr. David R. Hawkins we see that the energies most associated with trauma are the densest vibrational frequencies, i.e. anger, fear, grief, apathy, guilt, blame, and shame. Experiencing these emotions helped us densify our energy into physical form.

One of my clients is a therapist who works with a lot of people who have had negative and painful experiences with the Reptilians. She also has had her own painful and traumatic relationship with this race in previous lifetimes. We have done five Soul Embodiment© Therapy sessions together over the past 2,5 years and what I have witnessed in our work together has really been her restoring her relationship with this alien race back to love, in our most recent sessions she retrieved memories of people she loved and that loved and cared for her being of the Reptilian race.

This may sound strange and incomprehensible when you’re still stuck in your dislike or hatred of this group but the fact that you have such strong emotions toward a particular group already indicates that you’re carrying unresolved painful experiences that created these feelings of animosity. Because if there was no wounding, there would be no trigger you would just be neutral.

What I always teach people in general but especially those caught in the light vs the dark narrative (dualism) is that on a Soul level our power is supreme and that therefore all stories of victimhood originated from illusion, this doesn’t negate situations and experiences where you were obviously a victim. It’s that our victimhood always serves to help us heal a deeper underlying pain from a previous or past life experience. In other words, everything is always happening for us, not against us.

In the Divine play that we are playing, those who were so-called ‘dark’ once can already be on their way back to the light, my client saw that her galactic past life nemesis was such a being who was already on her way back to embodying her Divine essence, despite that when they knew each other in different galactic past life this being was the embodiment of ‘evil’ so to speak. This is the most important thing to understand that we are all on a journey through duality throughout the different stages of the spectrum until we wake up from the illusion of separation within ourselves and with the Divine.

It’s through being on these different points of the spectrum at different times that we have helped each other densify into physical form, we are in the end all playing for the same team. Just think about it, you can’t be One with all that is – except for the Greys, the Anunakis, the Reptilians, and other people you have an axe to grind with. That is still separation consciousness. if we want to embody Unity consciousness we have to make peace with all of it and everyone which is why we have to heal all of our relationships back to love, including the painful and the (subconsciously) hate-filled ones.

Extraterrestrial encounters and interactions with humans

Last but not least we carry unresolved pain from our encounters and interactions with our Star brothers and sisters, and this pain is not always caused by victimhood. One client a medical doctor in her current lifetime, saw that in a lifetime as a man she had fallen in love with a Star being and they had had a secret affair with one another until the Star being had to go back to his home planet. They had shared a deep love and like any love lost, the past life expression of my client grieved this magnificent love lost but at the same time couldn’t share any of it with anyone because of the consequences of such a revelation.

But we’re kidding ourselves if we think that all encounters have been loving because they of course haven’t always been positive.

It is possible to have galactic, past life and current life encounters with Star people as a human. In my own Soul path journey, I have had a scary experience as a child in a past life regarding such an encounter, not even because I was hurt by anyone but because it was so out of this world and because I was little (a 5-year-old) it just was a very shocking and scary experience. I have also seen a past life in Ancient Egypt, when there was still more collaboration and visitations between Star people from different planets, this was more an experiment gone wrong and me being blamed for it not working out the way it was planned. I have also worked with clients who have had outright ‘victim’ and ‘victimizer’ or abduction experiences with other Star beings in previous lifetimes.

No matter what the underlying experience was, the reality is that we all carry some unresolved experiences (trauma and pain) from alien interactions and encounters when we were humans. I think the biggest step we can make as humans, is to not see alien races or Star people as others but as our galactic brothers and sisters, to step out of the us vs. them perception, because that is separation. We need to demystify such experiences and realize that they aren’t any different than unresolved experiences (trauma and pain) that we have had here on Earth with other Earthlings – there is literally no difference between trauma with humans and trauma with extraterrestrials except the difference we create in our minds when we make unbeatable malefic opponents out of them.

It really doesn’t matter in the end whether we still carry unresolved experiences (pain and trauma) from our own galactic lifetimes as Star people, or from human lives where we had encounters and interactions with other Star-being races – all of our experiences, especially at this level, are directly related to our split from Source wound and the false interpretation and self-identification we created as a result (see part I). This is why healing at this level allows us to step out of the illusion of duality and bring our inner masculine and inner feminine back into inner harmony and equality.

I pray this Soul teaching has helped you see your galactic origins and other Star beings from a different perspective, many New Age teachings have often been understood and interpreted from the existing lens of religion. It’s not a coincidence that both the Garden of Eden as well as Atlantis talk about the fall of mankind. We can choose to look at our Soul path experiences as a fall from grace and the necessity to get back in good graces with the Divine which is the ego’s perspective or we can see it from the Soul’s perspective and realize that everything has been in Divine order all along and that we are merely on a journey of exploration of the self on a Soul path level. There was never any mistake, except in our perception. Once we realize this on the deepest level, we awaken from the spell of Māyā (illusion).

Ready To Take Your Manifesting To The Soul Level?

The key to unlocking your Heaven on Earth is healing on a Soul path level.

Everything you want is only being blocked by your subconscious Soul path wounding. The reason why so many people fail to create the life and the reality that they dream of is because their subconscious false beliefs and Soul path wounds are holding them back.

I am here to help you unlock your Next Uplevel in Wholeness, Love, Money & Business and unapologetically embody the truth of who you are while you’re at it!

Do you want a quick check-in just to see where you could come into deeper alignment with your Soul and your Divine Plan? Book a Soul Alignment Session

Do you want to explore your Soul Path history and heal on a Soul Path level?

Book a Soul Embodiment® Therapy session with Sabriyé Dubrie to find the psychological patterns, subconscious programming, and false self-identifications that are keeping you from creating the life and reality you dream of.

With my deepest love,

Sabriye signature

Ultimate Guide to Soul Embodiment

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