I used to be that girl that would run by any major decision in my life past friends and loved ones before making it…
It would take hours and days to call everyone and discuss whatever I was struggling with to come to what I thought would be the best decision, the most rational, logical, etc. Like everyone, I was conditioned to solve things from the mind, not from the heart.
But as I moved forward on my path of spiritual awakening I learned to go inward for the answers I sought, because the truth is that we all have an Inner Guru that we can rely upon to guide us through every aspect of our life. Our Inner Guru has the answer to everything we would ever come up against and everything beyond. This is because the Inner Guru is our portal to tap into the universal wisdom that governs life itself.
However, it’s not as simple as just sitting down and listening although that is a good start. There are three hurdles that block our connection to our Inner Guru, the first is our conditioning because we are taught from a very young age that the mind is superior to the heart, we are taught that logic is supreme, the second is our subconscious wounding that clouds our judgment as well as perception and the third is the ego’s need for control in order to feel safe.
Our conditioning isn’t that hard to break, especially when more and more people are touting the benefit of intuition over logic these days. It might still be scary if you are the first one in your family or in your circle of peers to move into a new belief system, but soon enough you will find that there are enough sane people or people just like you that you can connect to in this new way of thinking that makes you stop doubting your own sanity.
The second hurdle becomes a bit trickier because what are you tapping into when you are tapping into your inner guidance?
Is it your Inner Guru, or is it your wounded ego?
Unresolved wounding can make things feel absolutely right even when they don’t serve you one bit, how does this happen? Because something or someone triggered your subconscious pain and this pain clouds both your judgment and perception. This unresolved pain triggers your survival and defense mechanisms and when this happens it shuts down your connection to your Inner Guru, therefore the deeper we want to connect to our Inner Guru the deeper we need to clear out this unresolved pain if we want the message coming through to be free of distortion. The problem is not that you can’t trust the Inner Guru, the problem is that you can’t trust your interpretation if you still carry a lot of unresolved pain from your childhood, your ancestry, or your past lives.
The second hurdle creates the third hurdle because as long as the ego is holding onto all its misinterpretations of the past, something I explain in-depth in this teaching on the concept of reincarnation it cannot relinquish control to the soul. Or in other words, it cannot surrender which in and of itself still creates static in the line when it comes to connecting to your Inner Guru. I would say that this conditioning is the hardest to break because the ego is so deeply entrenched in its illusion of separation. It has been in this state for eons and eons, ever since it was created by the soul in order to play the incarnation game (read this teaching on the ego for a better understanding).
If all of the above is true, then how do we restore the connection to our Inner Guru? I am glad you asked because I have created a tool, to help you do just that. I created the Inner Union Oracle that contains 108 soul led messages to help you heal the separation between the ego and the soul, which allows you to create Heaven on Earth from the Inside Out. Inner Healing Circle members have unlimited access to the Inner Union Oracle, but even if you aren’t a member yet, you get one free pick-a-card reading a day.
How accurate is the Inner Union Oracle, you ask? It’s spot on!
I have been chewing on something for the last couple of days that I have been asking for guidance on from my Inner Guru and all I’ve heard was crickets until I was on my exercise bike this morning and as my mind went blank and I went into simply being there moving my legs and being in the moment the answer I was seeking just flooded in. I am in the middle of moving house, I get the new keys on Wednesday and there are a couple of loose ends that need tying up that are creating some extra stress, which of course also blocks intuition as stress literally puts the brain in survival mode. Exercise alters your brain chemistry, which reduces stress.
After the insight, I pulled an Inner Union Oracle card on my phone which I had with me on the exercise bike.
What message do you think I got?
Out of all the 108 possible messages that I could have pulled, I got: ‘Yes! This is the SIGN you have been waiting for.’
This was 100% true, the insight that I had gotten was the sign or message I had been waiting for. It made things click in a way they had not clicked before and it made clear what my next step was in the situation I find myself in. I didn’t get to this answer through logical thinking, I didn’t use the reasoning mind, but instead, I opened myself up to the infinite intelligence that my Inner Guru can tap into – which provided me with an answer that was the perfect solution I had been seeking.
Well yeah that’s not through the oracle though, is it? No, it isn’t but that is because I have already embodied the shifts that the oracle is meant to lead you through and that is the beauty of the oracle. It helps to connect you so deeply to your inner wisdom, you won’t need any outside tools to assist you anymore. I still use the oracle from time to time, (and it’s always spot on) to quickly tap into soul wisdom and soul perspective, but through all the inner healing work I have done I have built such a solid connection with my Inner Guru that I can tap into it directly and trust its guidance not only conceptually, but in real life.
Because let’s be honest everyone who is spiritually well versed knows that theoretically, their inner guidance is the best guidance available to them, but do they actually listen to and implement this guidance? Nope, often not and that brings us back to hurdles one, two, and three – they are what keep us from hearing, listening to, and implementing the guidance of our Inner Guru and so they also need to be addressed in order to not only ‘know’ the truth, but actually live it. Because without implementation, knowledge itself is utterly useless.
I actually loved this analogy, knowledge is like bullets and implementation is like a gun. If you don’t have a gun (implementation), you can’t do much with the bullets (knowledge). It’s perhaps not the most holiest of analogies when it comes to spirituality, but it gets the job done. Knowing something doesn’t change jack sh*t, living that knowledge is what alters realities.
With my deepest love,